*Calls out on the Radio*
"Belay that order ben, we need you to head to the APCs and assess the situation, Almar and Nobi will in charge with getting Nixon but the APCs will be an extreme threat if you're not there to surpress them.
Martin, your heuy is loaded to bear? We currently don't have a mortar team set up, or any designation for the snipers location, that sniper could be a real problem for Nobi and Almar if they're getting to get Nixon out of there, I want you to do some fly overs and see if you can spot where the sniper would be, look around roadpost Alpha, there is no other entry point for the sniper. When you find him take him out.
Almar, I want you to get to Nixons positions ASAP, recovery is a first priority, we're not losing any more men today! Nobi I want you to cover Almar, you're in charge with making sure he is safe, if any hostiles not in FDF uniform come your away, assume hostile."
*Switches the channel to MrRazot*
"Chief Razot, we have a situation here above ground. Unknown hostiles have invaded road post alpha they have 2 APC's and a sniper and possibly more men on the way, we need defense parameters ASAP!"