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Author Topic: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)  (Read 3022 times)

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Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« on: March 16, 2014, 04:08:40 AM »

It was 7 am at Roosevelt high in a rather decent size town of  Pennsylvania. It was the first period of the school day, history.
Haden J. Murphy sat at his desk watching his teacher giving a lecture.
"Okay, class, due to the reunification of the U.S.S.R., we are going to watch the classic film, Red Dawn. This is to show the potential..." Haden's attention wandered to the pad of paper on his desk, with a crude drawing of his teacher drawn hastily.
"Mr. Murphy, am I boring you?"
Haden's attention snapped upward towards his teacher.
"No sir, I was just writing some notes."
His teacher had given a slight nod and continued. After an eternity of rambling, his teacher put on the movie. As the film had reached the invasion of the U.S., he heard a plane.  He turned to his classmate and asked why it sounded like it was coming from somewhere else. The student replied that it was merely the acoustics of the room. He looked around to his three friends he had made over the course of the school year, noticing each of their concern, for they had all come to the same suspicion.
Haden gets up from his seat to look outside.
"Mr. Murphy, take a seat."
Haden looked to the sky, completely disregarding his teacher's command and shouts, "Everyone! Get out now! It's a REAL Invasion!"
 The students get up and go to look out the window in disbelief of Haden's warning, except for the 3 friends. The group of four met in the hallway as he continued to motion them to the parking lot. The small group of three had dashed through crowded hallways, ramming down anyone in the way of them and the parking lot. After bursting out of the rear entrance of the school they meet up to a grey, 1990's ford pickup.
"Get in the truck!" He says unlocking the car doors. The group gets into the truck and drive away.
As he drives, Haden can see from his rear view mirror, some classmates he vaguely knew, and his teacher being lined up by Russian and Korean troops. The officer in charge raises his hand, and then drops it. As he drops his hand, the class is executed with automatic hip-fire.
"We gotta get to my parents' gun shop, then lay low. Any suggestions?" He says with a stone cold expression.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 09:04:18 PM by HadenWolfFox20 »
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2014, 03:29:41 AM »
"I s-s-s-say we should hide and wait for law enforcement to a-a-a-arrive" Igner says while hiding and matching the color of the desk, terrified.
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2014, 04:08:12 AM »
Haden looks at Igner and then back to the road.
"We can't hide. We definitely can't wait on the cops. If the U.S. Military couldn't keep the invasion at bay, then we can't rely on local law enforcement." Haden says sternly. He notices that everyone's a little shaken up. They all were. No matter how adaptive Haden was, he was just as scared and worried as the rest of them.
"My parents' shop is a few blocks ahead. We can gather weapons and basic supplies. Anyone up for a fight?" Haden said with a slight smirk.
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2014, 10:23:35 PM »
Jason shook his head. "Are you nuts? We can't take on a full scale Red invasion with just us. I agree we should go get some basic supplies and weapons, but then we need to get out of Dodge. My uncle owns a small cabin in the forested outskirts of town. If we hurry we may be able to get there and lay low before they lock us down."
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2014, 10:54:42 PM »
Haden continues driving to his parents gun store, evading as many of the Neo-Soviets as he could. After ten minutes of driving, they arrive at the store. Haden, holding his hand up to signal his parents, is met by his father and mother. His father was an older looking wolf with a Remington 870 in his hands, and his mother, a slightly younger fox, holding a Smith and Wesson .38 special.
"Mom! Dad!" Haden called.
" son, there isn't much time, you need to-!"
"I know dad, we need the guns, we're heading to a cabin to lay low. You should come with us."
His father looked downward with a heavy heart.
"Everyone, get in. You don't  much time." The small group except Haden go into the shop to grab what they can. "
Haden, we can't come."
Haden, shocked by his father's reaction, tries to beg him.
"But dad, you-"
His mother grabs him by the collar of his shirt.
"Damnit son! Just go!"
This made Haden uneasy.
"We will defend this shop until the bitter end." His father said.
Haden nods and meets everyone inside the shop.
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2014, 02:58:26 AM »
Jason hops out of the truck and walks into the shop, his boots stomping against the hard floors. He looks around and whistles before heading over to Haden. "We're going to need food and weapons, food being more important. I'm sure the cabin has some supplies but any little bit you could scavange from around here would do us good." He says, grabbing a deffle bag from behind the counter and loading it full of ammunition, mostly 5.56x45mm NATO rounds, as most modern combat rifles fire them, along with some shotgun rounds and 9mm handgun ammo. He stuffs an unloaded M9 Baretta into his pocket and slings a M16A4 over his shoulder. "Come on people, grab a primary and a side arm and lets move!"
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2014, 03:21:26 AM »
Haden looks over to the others and says, "you heard him! Let's go! Move people!"
Haden goes to the rifle rack and grabs an MK14 EBR MOD0-0, a duffle bag full of 7.62x51mm NATO, then runs to the counter and grabs an M1911, and all .45 acp he could carry.
"I'm good! I'll be waiting in the truck!"
Haden jogs out of the store when a hand caught his shoulder.
"Haden... Take this."
His father handed him an old medal.
"This was the medal signifying a submariner. This was mine in my service."
Haden was speechless. His dad was never the 'family heirloom' kind of person. Haden stared at the medal, but soon snapped back to reality.
"You must be brave son. For your mother and I."
Haden nodded and then got into his truck with the keys in the ignition, waiting for everyone else.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2014, 04:20:19 AM by HadenWolfFox20 »
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2014, 04:47:24 AM »
Spike was rushing around Haden's store, he'd never met his parents but he remembered running away from them the one time they threw a party at Haden's house. It seemed odd to him they were hooking them up with guns.

The coyote looked desperately throughout the counters for something he'd been familiar with. He picked up a Kel-Tec Sub 2000. He knew this gun from when he and his friend had gone shooting. It was his uncle's pistol caliber carbine and had a cool feature to fold in half to carry around in the woods. The coyote unfolded the gun out of the box and found it a sling to swing over his shoulder. He turned around and picked up a nickel-plated Beretta M9, shoving it into his belt. He went around the corner and dumped his back pack full textbooks, picked up a ruck sack and started to pack the bag with 9mm ammunition boxes, a tactical grip laser, speed loaders, extra magazines, a tactical flash light, and as many batteries as he could carry.

He hurried back outside and threw his things into the back of Haden's truck excluding his weapon and jumped in the back. Once inside and while waiting for the others, he quickly opened his bag of ammo and began to load his magazines as quickly as he could. The whole time he couldn't even call his family. His phone was dropped in a toilet at his last house party. The only thing keeping him going was to survive to find them later.

"Where is everyone!? We need to move!" Spike yelled, his attention turned toward the sky. Paratroopers were falling down like rain during a storm, appearing as specks from the cavalry of planes that soared thousands of feet overhead. 

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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2014, 06:36:53 PM »
Jason quickly strode from the store, climbing into the back of the truck. He grabbed a 5.56 clip from the duffle bag and loaded his rifle, checking to make sure the safety was on. He banged on the back cab window and shouted "We need to hurry up, It won't take the Reds long to set up a blockade wround the city!"
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2014, 10:32:15 PM »
Igner was handed a 9mm pistol which he held delicately. "uhh... t-t-thanks..." Igner said as he sat in the truck bed still in slight shock. His body had beed on autopilot as his brain was scared stiff.
"Your name will be Edgar... Always Edgar"- Ryan "The Mad King" Haywood

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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2014, 10:37:13 PM »
As Haden poured gas, he turned to Igner.
"Never held a firearm?" He asked.
Once Haden finished pouring gas, he walked over to Igner, pointing to each thing as he explained.
This is the front sight, this is the rear sight. Your magazine release is right here, and don't shoot unless you intend to kill a commie."
Haden then walked away and got in the driver's seat.
"Where to? Left or right path?"
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2014, 12:09:58 PM »
Viktoriya wasnt at school the morning of the invasion nor anywhere in the city, she and her dad had been on a hunting trip over the weekend and things got complicated meaning they couldnt leave when they wanted to. They were heading back to the city when the air filled with the dull drone of planes flying high overhead the sky filling with paratroopers jumping from them. Her dad ordered her to get out of the car and head into the forest with him, unfortunately for them a detachment of paratroopers mis judged thier jump and landed close to them, they had no other option than to fight.

In the brief firefight her dad got seriously injured, Picking him up and attempting to carry him back to thier car that was just on the border of the forest and the city, she was sure she had seen a cabin close by but couldnt remember where exactly. Her dad was bleeding out fast and she could feel it, he groaned out. "Just put me down and get out of here." He coughed a little but Viktoriya didnt listen to him, after what felt like hour her dad passed away on her back. The reality was that it was only a few minutes. Viktoriya stood next to the road silently as she slowly lowered her dad to the ground a few feet away from their car tears filling her eyes as she walked and pulled out one of the shovels. She didnt care what the invaders were doing or where they might be, she was going to give her dad a proper grave...even if it was next to the road.

She dug and dug her black tank top, short black denim skirt and black combat boots stained with mud and blood-her dads aswell as some of her own as during the fight a bullet had grazed her arm- in the distance she could hear a truck approaching picking her dad's corpse up before lowering him into the ground and rather quickly covering him up she ran to the car and grabbed the first aid kit, her dads hunting rifle, all the ammunition it had and her own weapon, a composite longbow custom made for her. Slinging the bags over her shoulders she took up position using the car as cover. She could be visible to anybody in the vehicle but it would provide cover from gunfire if the truck proved to be a Russian vehicle.

(OOC- Let me know if that is fine for an intro or if I should change something)

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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2014, 08:49:51 PM »
Haden sees a figure out of the corner of his eye and opens the rear window to speak to the group.
"Everyone! Get down! Possible hostile on the ridge," he says pointing up the hill to a car with a small glint from the scope.
"I'm gonna break the ice. See if they're friendly."
Haden gets out of the truck and faces the car, with his hand on his 1911 on a dropleg holster. He starts walking up to the hill, hand on the weapon.
"Are you friendly?"
He stopped and disengaged the retention of the holster, ready to draw if it were a Soviet.
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2014, 08:57:05 PM »
Viktoriya stayed her ground gaze fixed through the scope as she say a familiar face step out of the truck. Taking a deep breath of relief she lowered the rifle and put it on safety letting the hang by its strap around her shoulder. Stepping out from behind the car she smirked and ran a hand though her black hair, the violet streaks clearly visible as s he walked closer to the truck. "Only if you promise not to point that at me." She joked clearly more relaxed and wondering if the senior would recognize her.
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Re: Rise of a Red Army (a Red Dawn concept)
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2014, 09:08:12 PM »
Haden saw the figure put the rifle away, and step into a recognizable view.
"We're clear," Haden said as he waved to the group to signal she was friendly.
"Wait, Viktoriya? From school? It's good to see you."
Haden waved her down to join the group. Noticing the wound, he had to ask.
"You need help with that?"
Haden knew Viktoriya through the grapevine. Mostly to her reputations, but Haden knew they were lies. Haden was pretty good at distinguishing fact from opinion.
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