Eeew! Were they those stomp fetish pictures from Snopes? OMG, I was reading the Urban Legends in there and clicked on the pics and actually fainted.
As to my chickens' names, they are:
Almost Soup, Marshmellow (bc she's the exact color of a perfectly toasted marshmellow, lol), Chipmunk (she had chipmunk stripes as a chick) Twin, (Chip's twin sister), Nero, Napoleon, and Caesar (three obnoxious little Barred Rocks that attack everyone.)
We also had a rooster named after my old friend from Gaia, Dahark, but he kept crowing (or trying to crow, he never quite got it, it sound more like he was yelling Bah! Nah! than the rooster crow heard normally) We gave him away to a ranch with fifteen hens for him to chase. He was a happy boy after that. ^ ^