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Author Topic: A complicated matter of gender (or lack therof)  (Read 1203 times)

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A complicated matter of gender (or lack therof)
« on: April 20, 2014, 07:40:41 AM »
this didn't seem important enough for the advice board, but I do need some advice.
See, my fursona can switch freely between all genders at any time he/she/it wants. I've been wondering of there is an actual term for this, and if there are any pronouns I can use that are less cumbersome.
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Saw the fallout 4 trailer a few days ago... SO ****ING EXCITED!!

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Re: A complicated matter of gender (or lack therof)
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2014, 10:24:43 AM »
There are a few words for this

Duel Gender means you are someone who actively switches between identifying as a male or a female
Bigender means you are someone who identifies as both male and female
Agender means you are someone who does not identify as a gender
Trigender means you are someone who identifies as male, female and some other gender (this may be male, female and Agender)
Androgyny means your gender is ambiguous and has a combination of male and female characteristics
Omnigender (a not-so-used word) means you encompass all genders

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Offline vulpes inculta

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Re: A complicated matter of gender (or lack therof)
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2014, 06:32:54 AM »
Thank you! I identify mostly as a Female now, But those Fancy words are useful for special occasions When I'm not quite sure.  :)
To heal, your scars
 I will give you everything I can
 This war, of hearts
 We will rise again and take a stand

 I can lead you to salvation
 Yet I am just a man

 I'm a loaded gun,
 An only son,
 But I'm nobody's hero
 I've come undone
 I'm on the run
 Yeah, I'm nobody's hero
 -Nobodies hero, By black veil brides

Saw the fallout 4 trailer a few days ago... SO ****ING EXCITED!!


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