Got a song stuck in my head from a Halloween fursuit dance comp vid.
I'm just gonna leave this here...'s a script for a video...
1: What is your name, may I ask?
2: Well sir, I, am number two!
1: Two, you say? My, how did this come about? Two, my good sir, just so happen to be my father's name!
3: (Walks in) Number one, have you seen number four?
2: Do you mean number four from eleven?
3: No, number four from six. A very aggressive fellow, if you ever do meet him.
1: Pardon me, but didn't number four come from six, and is now in eleven?
3: Ah yes, that is the one.
1: Well I do believe he is off visiting three...
3: Pardon?
1: Yes, what is it?
3: Did you say my name?
1: No, are you number three? I'm sorry, we haven't met.
3: Well I am three, yes.
1: Oh, you must be from twenty! Here, we say that we are <i>number<i/> one, for example.
3: Ah yes. I am still new to twelve.
1: Anyways, yes, number four is off visiting three, but should be back soon.
2: Fellows, I believe you are missing number five. We can't start without number five.
3: Doesn't five work at this hour?
1: Does she?
2: Numbers six and onwards are still here, but number five is too early in the chain. No matter what we do, it will be noticed if five is missing. It's not like entity 780449 will let us stop before five.
4: *enters quietly*
3: Where have you been, sir?!
4: *freezes in tracks* Well you see, I have to count for entity 26-
1: WHAT?! You only count for one!
3: Entity 26? That's rather disappointing.
2: I don't think you should count with us anymore. *pulls out gun*
1: Put the thirty three away, number two. We can solve this without guns.
2: I truly was hoping for violence...
3: Who says there will be no violence? *readies fists*
4: *runs for however long we need to in order to make this four minutes long*
1, 2, 3: *Chases number four*
4: *Ducks into a line and starts talking to strangers* *to left* Hi, I'm number four.
8: I'm number 8, and to your right, number 7.
7: *shakes hands* Nice to meet you number four! You can hang out with us if you like.
4: Thanks.
Entity 708449: Alright Thomas, let's count to ten!
1, 2, 3: *running back to original spot, giving number four dirty looks as they pass*
(Each number sequentially saying their name): 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 4, 8, 9, 10
Entity 708449: No, Thomas. Do you want to stay in at lunch for help?
Thomas: *sighs*