There's way more than enough mean "pure" furries out there as well.
I'm pretty much excluded from the "local" furry community because I'm a Finland-Swede and all the other furs I know are Finnish-speaking Finns (Much of my research hints at me being the only (active) Finland-Swedish fur there is). Their recations (because I have to communicate in English, since most never cared to learn Swedish even tho the laws call for it. "Ey, you Swedish-speaking folks are the minority, YOU should learn Finnish instead, and we shouldn't have to learn Swedish" is the most common excuse. I get that logic to some extent, but to think many are so blunt about it is still kinda meh) usually range from "So, where are you from (because English automatically means I can't be from Finland) and how long will you be staying?" to "WE SPEAK FCKING FINNISH IN FINLAND YA FREAK!!11!!1 IF YA WANNA SPEAK SWEDISH, GO TO SWEDEN!!11!", and at least the latter doesn't seem too accepting to me...
Sure, many are nice ofc, but way too many are too afraid to talk to and get to know me because they think their English and/or Swedish isn't good enough. It's sad since I'd love to be able to attend the small local meets in addition to the cons...
If people want to cross furry with something else, no matter what reputation that other thing might have, they're free to do that all they want.