Although I have to say that I can relate with not wanting the world to smell like vomit. I'm affraid that I'm still gonna have to say that I'd rather litterally have the entire world smell like vomit, than have the entire world's ecosystem permanently damaged by the use of NBC weapons.
Vomit is one thing. But radioactive fallout, lethal biological and nuclear crops and drinking water contamination is something entirely diffirent...
Image the world where most, if not all, native wildlife mammal and marine species were extinct, and most areas were devoid of plant life.
A world where people have to filter their air, and wear gas masks on the way to the food store. A world were safe drinking water costs more than gasoline. A worlds were people have to eat homegrown insects like larvae to survive, because that's the only thing, nutritious enough, left that can be grown and eaten.
I'm aware of the possibility that you were probably just joking, but still. I'd rather have rancid butter...