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Author Topic: The last poster wins!!!  (Read 385553 times)

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21810 on: December 09, 2017, 10:42:26 PM »
I just found the Politics-song  :D

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21811 on: December 10, 2017, 09:37:45 AM »

I always thought that this was political music... :/


Yeah, that's how the majority of RS players play RS...

But, you can bet that there's about, at the very least, a tonne of other RS players who are just as enthousiastic about the music as you are! And, hell, if you still haven't found that track you might at least try, right?

And, it's not like it doesn't happen more often. I quite often see people requesting for soundtracks, books, or TV series that they've forgotten about, and even the less populair one's get the correct answer within mere minutes...

Soo, why not just go to reddit, or some RS forum, and put it on there? 10 bucks that you won't even have to sleep the night out, to get your answer! :P

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21812 on: December 10, 2017, 01:35:43 PM »
Well this song is a motivator why you should be in politics

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21813 on: December 10, 2017, 02:41:15 PM »
On the first day of Frostivus, DotA gave to me
A courier for our teeeaaam!

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21814 on: December 10, 2017, 09:57:53 PM »
They don't like me anymore.
But that's ok, because I don't think I like them either.

I literally went to Oblivion and back for those guys, and they thank me by telling me to get lost until after I have/if I can find a cure? >->
Yes, I could have given up my soul for "the cause" (and noone knows how that might have turned out, might I add. Perhaps I'd be even less useful to them had I picked that. Or better yet, dead), but there's got to be a limit somewhere.
I'm a vampire, Lady Serana who they seem to tolerate just fine turned me, and I still wish to see the world free of random vampire attacks on defenceless people.
But just because my eyes are a bit shinier and my teeth a bit pointier, I'm to be shunned and driven away as if I'M the one out there attacking all those people.

I've been out there risking my life for them for months on end now, walking into known vampire nests and hunting down lost technology, while most of them just sit around in fort dawnguard and complain about me not saving the world for them quickly enough.
Yes. Once all is said and done, the bards will probably sing of how the Dawnguard saved Skyrim from the rising vampire threat, when it actually was me and Serana (who is a vampire) who did all the dirty-work.
Grrr and stuff.

I'm just gonna disappear from there for a while, perhaps look into a finding cure and generally do what I've always done.
Let's see how they like that. Having to do their own work for a change. Yes.

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21815 on: December 10, 2017, 10:10:51 PM »
On the second day of Frostivus, DotA gave to me
Two sentry wards
And a courier for our teeeaaam!

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21816 on: December 10, 2017, 10:12:32 PM »
Hahaha, I guess Cheza just found out how society works!

Ow, god, I shouldn't be laughing at that, I know how it feels, I'm soo sorry... XP

You're gonna be fine, though! I'm shure you'll see the light and learn to live as a lone strider, where you will eventually become the thing inside the darkness that people are affraid of, or get a revenge curve...

And, if it's any consolation to you, I just got turned down for a date in TF2, soo here ya go, now you've got something to laugh at too! :P

It was more of a joke, but nevertheless still hilarious!

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21817 on: December 10, 2017, 10:41:50 PM »
Nah, Cheza never had to deal with any of this, she's a badass dragonborn Nord werewolf who's virtually ruling all of Skyrim at this point. :P
Or at the very least, she's the leader of all factions worth their salt, thane of all the holds, and the saviour of all of Nirn.

Unghifer is a victim of Bethesda's dumbing down of roleplaying-options in the TES-series.
"Oh, you want to be in the Dawnguard and still become a vampire during the course of the questline? Sure thing, but everyone's going to be stuck in a "Go get cured"-loop once you get back.
No options to try and make them see reason or anything despite there literally being no real reason for them to kick you out, lolnope! Vampire hunters can't be vampires because all vampires are bad, mmkay? Oh and also we don't care if someone would happen to roleplay a fanatic paladin, you'll be stuck doing what Serana says for pretty much the entirety of this 20-something hour questline! Have fun! Lol! Also go play ESO because there will be no TES6 for a while and Skyrim will soon be released on coffeemakers and pocket calculators!"

Morrowind and Oblivion are a lot better for roleplaying in that sense. You can actually screw up and hard-lock yourself out of stuff in those games.
They also don't allow you to do everything in one playthrough (or at the very least Morrowind doesn't) since they actually require you to have certain levels of skill in whatever skills happen to be relevant to the faction in question. (And also a proper class system that doesn't support "master of all trades"-types of characters. Skyrim doesn't have a class system at all.)
Like, if you want to join the mages guild, you need to have skills and levels in the different magic paths to advance in rank, whereas in Skyrim you can play through the whole thing as a melee warrior if you want to and still be named "Arch mage"
If your character is not a mage, then they've got no business joining a guild for mages. Makes sense, yes.

*Sad kantele for the good old days*

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21818 on: December 11, 2017, 09:32:41 AM »
On the third day of Frostivus I killed a creep  ♫  ♫  ♪
♪  ♫   ...Three eidolons.
Two sentry wards
And a courier for our teeeaaam.

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21819 on: December 11, 2017, 10:35:48 AM »
Ow, right, I meant Unghifer found out how society works... :/

Anyway, I think that the whole dawnguard thing rejecting you, untill you get cured actually makes sense...

I mean, everybody hates vampires, and the dawnguard has swore to destroy them, so it kinda makes sense that they cannot be seen coorperating with vampires, as that would make them look like traitors of their kind, or have people loose faith in them, because they're essentially working together with their enemy, as a measure of desperation.

I think them not killing you on sight is actually plenty reasonable enough...

Ofcourse, the really noble thing for them to do, would be to lock you up, for your own good, and go find a cure for you, but I guess they're just either too busy, or too dumb for that... 

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21820 on: December 11, 2017, 10:43:17 AM »
On the fourth day of Frostivus DotA gave to me
Four tangos! Yay!
Three eidolons
Two sentry wards
And a courier for our teeeaaam.

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21821 on: December 11, 2017, 11:16:44 AM »
The problem is just that they allow Lady Serana to run around freely despite her being a vampire who randomly showed up at their doorstep one day.
And she's not just a regular vampire either, but a pure-blood vampire of clan Volkihar and the daughter of an extremely powerful vampire lord with a god complex.
Makes even less sense for them to let her roam free.

If they can work together with a vampire that's "always" been a vampire, why can't they keep working together with me?
What's to say she isn't going to turn on them eventually? How can they trust a pure vampire more than a vampire hunter who has proved himself time and time again to be dedicated and reliable?

Also, turns out my computer can run ENB without a too awful drop in performance.
Glorious. Yes.

Spoiler for dunno if this will actually work but oh well whatever:

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21822 on: December 11, 2017, 01:59:02 PM »
It's snowing, it never snowed so much this early.
What's going on?

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21823 on: December 11, 2017, 06:07:12 PM »
Omg, right?

Soo, I was just working at a ferry terminar, as car marshal, and there was an actual mini blizzart rolling around! This is amazing! The mini-blizzard just improved the atmosphere, and I really enjoyed doing it, despite almost having my toes frozen off... :D

And, yeah, the inner shepherd dog inside me was super happy to be shepherding cars and trucks, and did a good job at it. They even let me regulate all the traffic all on my own, after a while! And the best part is that I got payed good money for the whole shift, as well!


The problem is just that they allow Lady Serana to run around freely despite her being a vampire who randomly showed up at their doorstep one day.
And she's not just a regular vampire either, but a pure-blood vampire of clan Volkihar and the daughter of an extremely powerful vampire lord with a god complex.
Makes even less sense for them to let her roam free.

If they can work together with a vampire that's "always" been a vampire, why can't they keep working together with me?
What's to say she isn't going to turn on them eventually? How can they trust a pure vampire more than a vampire hunter who has proved himself time and time again to be dedicated and reliable?

You're saying it right, there...

They allow Lady Serana to run around freely, because she's not an ordinary vampire, but has proven herself as un-hostile for the time being. But, still, she's not admitted to be scheduled into dawnguard shifts, or onto their terrain, because she's a vampire.

Exactly as they allow you to run around freely, and won't murder you on sight, because you're no ordinary vampire to them, but you're a comrade who's proven himself well, but has unfortunately turned into a vampire.

Now, the reason why the dawnguard doesn't mind working together with Serana, is because they're actually not.

You've said it, she's a full-blood vampire, and daughter of Volkihar's clan leader. So, she falls under the Volkihar command structure, and not under the dawnguard structure. The reason why this matters, (Besides the dawnguard potentially knowing that Volkihar FOR are trustworthy) is that if she, at some point betrays the dawnguard, then they can blame it on the Volkihar command.

You, whilst you're not an ordirary vampire, don't fall under any command structure at all, let alone one that the dawnguard is allied with, and the dawnguard won't allow vampires in their rank, soo they cannot assign you to any orders.

And, if they did, and you [REDACTED] up on their payroll, they'd have noone but themselves to blame for allowing a vampire to act under their colours.

But, because you're their friend, they're letting you go your gang, and are not killing you. They're not even giving you a permanent medical discharge, because you've been infected with the vampire disease. Nope, not even that. Prove that you're cured, and you're free to come back!

Still makes sense to me...
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 06:09:32 PM by A brisky little challenger »

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21824 on: December 11, 2017, 06:21:00 PM »


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