Right! I've read about that!
Scotland had the exact the same thing! And, as it turns out, Finland does too!
The only problem was that I did something really stupid in Scotland.
The one time I finally found myself out of the city, in the evening, and in some place where I could sleep, I decided to pitch my tent on a sloped surface...
Sure, the process of doing soo goes fine! But, once you're in your tent, you find out that you can't really sleep because you're constantly slowly sliding down of the sloped surface, inside your tent. And, B. I may or may not have assumed that bringing a mat wasn't entirely neccecary, on Scotland's apparantly very wet, muddy, and cold autumn hills.
Fast forward to me deciding that I didn't quite want to try sleeping whilst soaked
and on a cold and sloped surface (It was on a giant hill, I didn't have much of a choice, in my defense) and I just decided to hike to the nearest town and get a hotel. Mind you, after night fall, on a cold, rainy, muddy, and slippery mountain side on wich I almost faceplanted a dozen of times.
Then lastly, fast forward to me deciding to try out a can of beans in tomatoe sauce, with pork sausages, and finding out that British' idea of pork sausage is litterally garbage rolled up in the shape of a weenie.
No, I didn't feel that good, the next day...
But, oh well, such are story of a young and inexperienced international hobo...

I hope you find them amusing! Oh, as well as that "the land of a thousand lakes" holds food on a slightly higher than the British...
Now, will the wall of text protect my win?