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Author Topic: The last poster wins!!!  (Read 384811 times)

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21780 on: December 09, 2017, 03:29:04 PM »
Oh, now, do I? >:D

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21781 on: December 09, 2017, 03:35:38 PM »
Even a tank is supposed to have one.

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21782 on: December 09, 2017, 03:39:17 PM »
I became a vampire.
It was either that or becoming partially soul trapped.
M'aiq was soul trapped once, and he said it wasn't very pleasant, and that I should stop and think about that every once in a while.
I'm quite convinced I can trust someone who's honest enough to have "the Liar" as part of their name/title, so vampirism it is!

Now I live the glorious ancient cliché of a vampire hunter that's been turned into a vampire himself.

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21783 on: December 09, 2017, 03:43:21 PM »
Should I clap or give a blank stare?

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21784 on: December 09, 2017, 03:55:47 PM »
Huh... How did I somehow know that the main character in skyrim was, at some point going to be turned into a vampire? Weird...


Nope, tanks don't have brains...

We have... Other stuff, I guess...

Don't judge...

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21785 on: December 09, 2017, 03:57:14 PM »
Sometimes you have to make sacrifices if you want to save the world.
My character is not really happy about it, but he felt that this was the lesser of two evils.

Most people survive turning into a vampire and can choose to live relatively normal lives afterwards (vampires aren't evil by default), and there's even rumours about it being possible to get yourself cured.
But partial soul trapping is an experimental thing noone's ever tried before. Or at least there are no research notes that speak of it.
Can a mortal live with only a partial soul? How would that affect them? Would it be possible to replace the missing piece of yourself somehow?

Vampirism seemed like the "better" choices of the two here, in my characters opinion.
He's not a mage himself, and while he isn't exactly as distrustful towards mages as the local Nord population tend to be, he'd prefer not to be used as some kind of guinea pig.

Roleplaying and an excuse to play the cure vampirism quest, which I've never done despite having played this game for almost 6 years now.

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21786 on: December 09, 2017, 04:02:10 PM »
Ooh, I expected the Russians to sweep the Dutch, but they're actually picking up quite the fight. They'll still need to go against Germany or Canada later tonight IF they win though...

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21787 on: December 09, 2017, 04:51:42 PM »
Huh... How did I somehow know that the main character in skyrim was, at some point going to be turned into a vampire? Weird...

It's 100% completely optional.
As with everything else in the game.
Like, I'm at lvl 36 with this current character and I haven't even started the main questline yet.
That's how optional things are.

In this case, I could have picked the partial soul trapping and continued the quest slightly differently without becoming a vampire.
I know what happens when you pick the partial soul trapping, but there's no way for my character to know, so might very well be he believed he'd turn into a monster or something from having part of his soul torn out.
At least by becoming a vampire he knows what to expect, as he's fought vampires and have encountered several non-hostile vampires.

All that said, it would be fun to do a proper "evil" vampire playthrough at some point. Never actually played a vampire character before, so it'd be another new thing to try once I'm done with my current character.
Might take me some 50 years, but mark my words, it will happen.

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21788 on: December 09, 2017, 05:06:35 PM »

I do have to agree that partial soul trapping doesn't sound very fun...

I mean, since you're taking away a part of something that is the very thing that makes you you, that's not something I'd care to mess with either. Would rather infect myself with some sort of flopped alien bio-weapon wich probably has a cure...

And why 50 years? Marks your words... What'll be taking soo long?

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21789 on: December 09, 2017, 05:50:09 PM »
He's not really certain about that either given that there are only rumors about a cure, but at least he knows he'll still be himself. He was also already a ritualistic cannibal so the whole vampire-thing isn't really a too big change in that regard, except that vampires have visual traits that give them away (and people don't like having vampires around) whereas a cannibal doesn't, which allowed him to get away with that.

And it'll probably take some 50 years, as I still have to finish up the Dawnguard DLC questline (it's what I'm currently playing, as that one feels like it'd make sense for it to take place before the actual main questline (or even alongside it but with it finished up first), the main questline which iirc also will require me to eventually pick a side in and eventually finish up the civil war questline (which is really hard too, as my character is technically a foreigner with little to no interest in the politics and conflicts of Skyrim. Then there's also the thing that one side of the conflict is distrustful and kinda racist towards his kind (my chara is an elf and Nords don't like elves), and the other side tried to have him executed without a trial for no reason at all), then there's the Dragonborn DLC questline that also needs dealing with after the main quests are all done, and then who knows what else.
There's just so much to do it takes half an eternity to be done with one character if you really get into it.
But that's not really a bad thing, as it's possible to replay the game again with a different character build and have a different experience.
Partially why I like this game so much, actually.

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21790 on: December 09, 2017, 05:57:17 PM »
But are you saying the whole character thing just as you're playing the game in an RPG fashion, or because you were trying to write a story off of it?

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21791 on: December 09, 2017, 06:45:49 PM »
RPG-fashion playthroughs inevitably turn into stories.

I create the character, scribble down some character traits, and make in-game decisions based on those.
This prevents the character from becoming a Mary Sue/Gary Stu because it'll "lock them out" of certain things, and if you spin things right, it might also cause additional challenges that change the way you play, which helps keep things interesting after you've spent over 800 hours playing like I have. (This character can't eat anything with plants in it or chop firewood because of his religious beliefs. Means I can only use potions I've made myself because that's the only way to make sure I'm not ingesting any plants. Also played "pacifist" characters in the past who relied on followers/companions to fight while they supported them with healing magics, which also causes gameplay to be switched up.)

There is nothing stopping me from just randomly deciding "hurr, he's going to become a master wizard and an assassin", but that wouldn't fit this character as he's neither a mage nor the kind of person who'd do murders for pay.
This locks me out of two questlines, but makes my character more believable.

My first ever playthrough was just doing everything that could be done and basing the decisions on either what I would do or what would yield the best rewards.
Which is fine too, as it is also fun to occasionally just play the game and do all the things with one character and becoming ridiculously powerful as a result, without spending half an eternity thinking about how a character would react/reason in different situations.
Just doesn't make for an as interesting story at the end of the day. "Yeah, she's the hero of Skyrim, and a master thief, and a master assassin, and the leader of the Companions, and the saviour of Solstheim, and the Thane of all the holds, and the Champion of all the Daedra, and the..."

I probably could write a story as the character is fleshed-out enough for that, but it's mostly a roleplay-thing.
I like creating characters, but when it's about games, they usually end up telling me their story rather than the other way around.
I hadn't planned on my current chara becoming a vampire, but once I was at the point where the decision had to be made, it just felt like that's what he would've done.
And I just love it when stuff like that happens.

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21792 on: December 09, 2017, 07:05:07 PM »
That's kinda cool!

I wish I could do that in Elite...

But unfortunately, you're gonna have some serious economical issues is you don't either get knee deep into the slave trade, or commit genocide for coorperate reasons, or do in-game exploits.

One of the major complaints about the game is how there's no normal way to earn reasonable amounts of money, whilst money is basically the core aspect of the entire game...

Maybe I should play skyrim instead...

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21793 on: December 09, 2017, 07:43:00 PM »
My main source of income used to be hunting the local wildlife and selling the meats and furs and stuff to locals and the local inn in my favorite town.
Now it's vampire hunting. Or at least it was. Dunno how the Dawnguard will react now that I've turned into the very thing I swore to destroy.
Maybe... *sob* They... T-they... *sob* Won't... Love me... A-a-anymore... ;____; Meanies.

Also, a quick word of advice.
Skyrim likes to go on sale every so often, but I'd recommend -not- getting the Special Edition if you want to play with mods.
It currently doesn't have an as big selection as the regular version does, but chances are it will eventually. Maybe.

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Re: The last poster wins!!!
« Reply #21794 on: December 09, 2017, 09:01:55 PM »
Eh, I dunno...

Kubrick wasn't too pissed off, and instead reacted quite politely, when he found out that his buddy Gordon Walker (A vampire hunter that was, I'd say, about 167% as driven as your character) had been turned into a vampire himself.

He did, however, (politely) insist on Gordon to kill himself, or to let himself be killed by Kubrick. But, that's just a tiny detail. Probably as tiny as Gordon killing him in anger, because he wanted to kill the vampire who turned him into one, for revenge.

But, given that happened in the 1960-1980's, instead of in the 150BC-200AC, I'd  say that your friends may be a little more short tempered about it...

And, yeah, ofcourse ring mining, piratehunting and mining site security would be excellent ways to make cash for my E:D character, however, mining racks in at about 6-7 million dollars/hour, whilst pirate hunting and security probably do in some lower, because they're a lot less reliable ways of earning cash, and not to mention, risky.

Ofcourse, 6 million per hour doesn't sound bad...

But, if you reccon that my federal corvette has cost me about 600 million dollars, just for a basic A-rated NPC fighter build, and I'm also going to want a 'conda, wich would cost me another 400-500 million, and I kinda need a python too, because both the conda and the corv can't land on outposts, and a python should cost me about 200 million, if I'm lucky...

Well, I guess you can see why, in-game, I'd rather get into the much more profitable slave-trade, as they're both equally brain-dead grinding exercises, but at least the latter will get me there in a reasonable amount of effort...


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