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Author Topic: The Squad.  (Read 6058 times)

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Offline Colioli4

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2014, 07:44:07 PM »
Zian found it alright that Antonia took immediate control over the situation, and with that, the entire squad. She seemed like a good leader, as far as he could tell. He would have to get on her good side again, if he wanted to make his own task any easier. But if she cracked, or turned out to be a liability… Well, nothing could get in between him and his given job. Any problems, he would take care off. But for now, he was going to go nice and easy. No need for unwanted attention.

Still, Zian did find the intel they had received as meagre as the information his Order had provided to him, so he did have a number of questions to ask their new squad leader.

“Ehm, yes, about how many missing inhabitants are we speaking? And will we be able to count on any Alliance support while on the ground?”
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2014, 07:51:32 PM »
Antonia wasn't actually prepared for any questions when Zian asked. "Uhhh... We should be trying to find 7+ soldiers... probably an elite sport of soldier... Oh and yes we will, there was an outpost nearby that they hadn't heard from in a while, but that isn't anything unusual in these sort of colonies" Antonia sighed. "Ok, anymore questions?"

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2014, 07:53:56 PM »
"Yes I have two. Will we be better briefed on the mission somewhere? And can I see what the planet looks like?" (Nix was really curios of how this planets plant life grew and the animals on it.)

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2014, 08:03:33 PM »
"Uh, yes you will be better briefed, but that comes later." Antonia looked around at her squadmates too make sure they knew that they would be better educated later. "Oh and, you can see it at that window over there" Antonia points to an intersection in corridors, where there was a window, allowing you to see the large planet they were hovering over.

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2014, 09:04:07 PM »
"Pleasure to meet you all," replied the older vulpine, when introduced to his new comrades. Shortly after he was introduced, Antonia launched into their pre-briefing, and the fox turned in rapt attention to listen closely. As he did, he removed the blank-featured data-pad from a thigh pocket on his fatigues, and activated a few holographic icons. Shimmering images and characters appeared in the air above the device as he listened, and the device transcribed her words. His single eye was intently focused on her, and ears pricked to study her words, while his digits worked to highlight key phrases to research further - he was damned if he was going in without the most information he could gather beforehand.
Nix and Zian asked further questions, and he listened for the answers. So far, it sounded mysterious and a little strange, but not unlike what they'd been told: people were missing, and that was never good news.
"I'm takin' it fer granted that this planet wasn't a bustlin' metropolis," added the fox. "Considering that the Alliance aren't racing to investigate and have just sent us. This is more of a frontier planet. No chance it could just be something like a local life form, or some kind of accident, or has that been ruled out. And have there been any reports of hostiles in the area - like, y'know. Bandits or whatnot?"
As he spoke, he moved to the window his new C.O. had pointed out, looking down at the slowly revolving surface below with a frowning look of curiosity and concentration on his rugged, grizzled features.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 09:05:56 PM by SilverwindBlade »
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2014, 09:24:51 PM »
Antonia wasn't sure how to answer any of the questions, considering she had only a little but more knowledge than all of them. "Uh.. it's a frontier planet, an extremely recent one, if I remember correctly." Antonia rubbed her chin in thought. "It's probably some sort of accident, but assume the worst, there have been rumors of bandits and... other forms of life attacking recently settled colonies."

Antonia had a new found respect for Blade, hearing his voice in a darker tone made him sound like he had been through A LOT of shit.

Offline Colioli4

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2014, 02:00:10 PM »
Zian kept his eyes focused on Blade, and only glanced at the planet once out of minor curiosity. There was something about this guy, something threatening. He was the oldest of the whole bunch, true, and probably did not have the same fleet of foot, strength and reflexes he must have had in his younger years. However, he still looked the man, able to handle any situation at any time. He was probably the most experienced one in the squad, and that made him an important character to keep an eye on, maybe even more so than Antonia or Nixon…

Hadn’t his superiors warned him especially about this guy. Zian tried to remember, but something in his mind withheld him from reaching the information, hidden in his neurons. A block, he realised with a shock, the Order had put a block over a part of his mind! There was no way of reaching the memories without the right keyword or phrase. For the first time in his life, he felt betrayed by the Order, HIS Order. The Grand Masters hadn’t even told him about the mental obstacle…

Zian narrowed his eyes for a second. Something made Blade important, something important enough for the Order to go through all the trouble of secretly placing a block inside him… And he was going to find out what it was.

Zian shook his head and looked back at his new squad leader, and grinned at her. “When do we start?”
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2014, 02:11:49 PM »
Antonia looked at Zian and saw a troubled look on his face as he studied Blade. She went to ask him what was the problem but was cut off by his question. "Hm, I guess we should find some sort of Alliance superior... how about we leave this hall and look around for our new superiors, sound good with you guys?" She turned to the whole group as she says this.

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2014, 06:16:01 PM »
Blade's ears pricked at Antonia's words, and he repeated them, a gleam of interest creeping into his single eye.
"Other forms of life," he repeated with a creeping grin. "Cool."
He noticed Zian looking curiously at him, but simply took the attention for interest in his words,  and nodded at him politely, before going back to his notation and mission-planning. As Zian spoke up to mention the idea of moving things along, he nodded in agreement, gesturing for Antonia to lead on as she mentioned the idea of locating their superiors and moving things into the true briefing.
"Lead on," he said with a smile. "Think we're about done here with things, and mebbe some info from higher up will answer more of our questions an' get things movin'".
He fell into step in line with the others as they moved on down the corridors, stowing his PADD back in it's pocket, and glancing around the ship as they went.
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2014, 10:24:32 AM »
Antonia grinned at Blade's words. "Yes, very cool I'd wager" She walks to the edge of the hall and looks around the corner, seeing another empty hall but she heard some voices coming from a different hall. She turns back to her companions. "Well this place is just a maze of empty halls, but I can hear some voices from a hall over there." She turned back "Lets get going then!" She smiled.

Offline Colioli4

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2014, 10:59:49 AM »
Other lifeforms... Zian was intrigued by the opportunity to meet aliens. Money could be made from them, power be gained, technologies learned... The discovery of another intelligent race could result in a peaceful trade cooperation between both species, or an all-out war - both equally profitable for the Order. Part of his assignment was to look into the matters of possible intelligent lifeforms on their target planet, and to see which option would apply on these species : cooperation or annihilation. After that, the Order would take matter into hands through their numerous pawns, spread out through the upper echlon of the Alliance. However, this was not his most important task...

Zian followed Antonia and the others silently, admiring the view of the planet they were orbiting through the sparce windows from time to time.

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2014, 02:04:28 PM »
Antonia walked down the corridor opposite the window everyone was looking at, then took a right down the corridor towards the voices. As she turned the corner she was greeted by a large steel door, marked: "The Bridge" Antonia knew this is where the captain and most of the V.I.P's would be hanging out.

 There was a small screen to the lower right of the door, with a section to put a key card through, and a section to enter a password, an 6 digit pass code at that. She knocked on the door lightly but she knew none of it would be heard over the top of all the voices coming from inside so she slammed it as hard as she could with her fist, but none of it could be heard from inside the room. She looked back to her companions. "Any ideas?"

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The Squad.
« Reply #27 on: April 29, 2014, 02:28:29 PM »
"I can scout the rest of the hall ways for another way in or a key card." (Nix said suggesting.)
  • Avatar by: tikikata
Space is a place I can't wait to go to. All the time in reality. And yet I long for the end, not because I want it to end, but because I'm curious of how this world ends and where all these souls go to when they breath no more. But till then I'll be having the time of my life! :)

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Offline Colioli4

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #28 on: April 29, 2014, 03:50:25 PM »
"... Or we could just ask someone to let us in." Zian added, pointing at neighbouring hallways and chambers. "Maybe we can find someone authorized in the cantina, or in the officer quarters."
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The Squad.
« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2014, 04:19:45 PM »
"We could but where's the fun in that?" (Nix said in a joking way.) "besides...I was kidding around. I'm trying to get you guys to smile a little." (Nix said with a smug.)
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 04:23:47 PM by nixon/monto »
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Space is a place I can't wait to go to. All the time in reality. And yet I long for the end, not because I want it to end, but because I'm curious of how this world ends and where all these souls go to when they breath no more. But till then I'll be having the time of my life! :)

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army.
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