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Author Topic: The Squad.  (Read 6053 times)

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Offline Dubaku

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #45 on: May 08, 2014, 10:56:45 PM »
Very nice. They usually call me in for stealth missions. *he looks around* Where the hell is my- oh, there she is. *he picks up his bow off the coffee table, it's a military grade hunting bow, modern design* This baby right here, does just that. She's light, her range is unlike any bow I've ever used, she can stop a stampeding rhino dead in one shot, and most of all, she's quiet as a mouse... a dead one.
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #46 on: May 09, 2014, 07:24:30 AM »
"Impressive." She said half heatedly, rolling her eyes. She wasn't impressed by Nixon's up beat attitude, but she would just have to deal with it. "Nice to meet you Debaku, it's good to have someone of your... profession on our... Squad, I guess." She noticed the OpCam suit in his hand, she would have one for herself, if the price tag wasn't so high. "Oh and yes you can keep the OpCam suit, as long as you don't pull anything on us." She beckoned to the door. "Well, with our new member, how about we get going?"

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2014, 11:41:58 AM »
"Sure!" Zian smiled, but not entirely with his eyes. An Opcam suit could be a problem when secrecy on his part was needed... Together with the scout Nixon, this guy Dubaku could be trouble...

"The big men behind this operation are probably waiting for us."
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #48 on: May 09, 2014, 12:08:26 PM »
(Nix saw everyone glance at him with a weird kind of look he has seen before. He knew they thought he wasn't very..."impressive" so he knew he had to impress them or at least gain their respect in someway. Can't do that in a corridor though,so he laid silent till they got to whet ever they where going.) "if I don't gain their respect it could mean life or death." (Nix thought to him self.)
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #49 on: May 09, 2014, 12:57:45 PM »
Then I prithee lead the way *he gestures his hands indicating impatient sarcasm*
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #50 on: May 10, 2014, 01:16:05 PM »
Antonia nodded to Dubaku. "Of course." She walked out of the open door and saw the surprised lizard, obviously surprised by their sudden departure. "Hello, sorry about that, instincts and all. but we've got a new friend now!" She jerked her thumb towards Dubaku. "Well let's get going then..." Antonia nodded so the lizard turned and started to fast walk, obviously annoyed by the wait. He led them back to the familiar door, leading to the bridge. "Alright, I'll leave you here, have a nice morning." The officer spun around quickly before Antonia could reply and jogged off into the twisting and turning corridors to their right of them. Antonia turned to the door and started flipping the card around in her hand, mainly out of her sudden thirst. She smiled to her team, nervous that they might figure out about her addiction, so she proceeded to quickly slice the card though the card section of the key pad. It answered with a "ding!" and the door slid open.

The sight of the bridge surprised Antonia, it was about 20 meters long and 5 wide, with computers running down both sides, the busy crew members working away at the screens. The light from the screens created a light blue tint to the room, complimenting it nicely. Right smack in the middle of the room was a slightly elevated part of the floor, which was projecting a holographic version of the planet below. The part of the floor was surrounded by people, one of them, a bear, turned towards them and beckoned them over.

As they entered the room Antonia muttered "So THIS is where everybody is..."

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #51 on: May 10, 2014, 01:42:08 PM »
(The bridge was big and did look nice but nix loved the computers more. They seem to be computers of a high processing ability. Something he has never seen before.The holograph in the room was very cool also for nix loved holographic science. He also wanted to use it and see what sort of terrain,plants,and native species were on the planet. Nix was geeking out inside but he knew he had to contain himself. He walked on with the group.)
  • Avatar by: tikikata
Space is a place I can't wait to go to. All the time in reality. And yet I long for the end, not because I want it to end, but because I'm curious of how this world ends and where all these souls go to when they breath no more. But till then I'll be having the time of my life! :)

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #52 on: May 11, 2014, 05:17:54 PM »
*Dubaku admired the large bridge, but what he was more interested in was the planet in the holographic projection, it showed so much detail, like what sort of weather conditions, wildlife or terrain he'd be dealing with* "Well, damn. This is actually kinda nice. So where are we havin' this little meeting, exactly?
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #53 on: May 11, 2014, 08:46:59 PM »
Blade stood quietly as he looked around the bridge along with the others. He'd been aboard many starships over the years, but as an infantryman and soldier, and hadn't been a true member of the crew in any active capacity, and as such had only seen the bridges of starships a handful of times. Most of them had been older technology than this one, less elaborate and up to date. So, he looked around in admiration at the sophistication on display, sneaking a peek at the various crewmen about their duties, as well as at the display of the world below rotating serenely in the centre of the bridge.
"Hope all this helps with giving us the briefing we need," he murmured. "Looks like they have pretty much every kind of sensor and scanner here to get a look at that world down there".
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #54 on: May 12, 2014, 07:01:10 PM »
The bridge was like most Zian had seen in his life: neat, filled with high-end gadgets and busy as hell. A grin spread on Zian’s face. So this is where the entire ship had gathered.
“Looks like we found what we were looking for,” he murmured, and then to Silverblade: “Must be a pretty important ship to have this kind of equipment…”, while pointing at a pair of communication consoles next to the holographic view of the planet. “Those two have only gone into production last month. So either this ship was lucky enough to pick them up first, or they have received them early on..”
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #55 on: May 13, 2014, 12:45:18 PM »
Antonia waltzed over to the bear, she assumed he was the captain, noticing his well made uniform and the slashes on his shoulders. "Top of the morning captain, so you're the "Big man" behind this operation?" She smiled at him, hoping he would get her attempt at humor. He didn't. "Uhhh... Can you please be serious Mrs. Braden?" Antonia shruged with a smile. "Well, anyway, I called you here to explain your purpose on this ship, because I've been told NONE of you got your full mission briefings! My apologies on that, but what can you do?" He pressed a button on a large console connecting to the projector. The floating image zoomed in, showing a large landmass with a tower in the middle of it. "Well, this is Outpost 42069, we recently lost contact with it." He pressed another button that zoomed the hologram over to a large blank spot, free of anything. "Their main job was to set up communications to our new colony, the empty spot you see there." He pressed another button, bringing it back to the view of the plant.

"So, in response we sent in one of out commando units, preparing for the worst, oh and we got the worse." He pressed another button on the console, and it brought up an image of a mutilated corpse, it had several gunshot wounds and cuts across the body, with a large hole in it's chest revealing it's entire chest cavity. "This was the last message to come from the outpost before whatever happened happened." He turned to the group with a serious look on his face. "So that's where you guys come in, we need you to figure out what the hell happened." He folded his arms across he chest. "So, got any questions?"

Offline Dubaku

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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #56 on: May 13, 2014, 01:36:36 PM »
*Dubaku raises his hand* A few questions, sir. Will this require stealth and/or killing? Will Optical Camouflage suits function on this planet?  Relatin' to the first question, how much killin' do I get to do? 
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 02:34:48 PM by Dubaku »
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #57 on: May 13, 2014, 05:27:07 PM »
Silverwind nodded at Zian's reply to his own musings. "You're right," he replied as he looked at the consoles he'd pointed out. "I guess if they're willing to send a ship this sophisticated and up to date for this mission, then it must be something very important to command to risk this, and to make an investment in time and manpower... though that does make me wonder why they've sent mercenaries to do the job - if it's that much of a serious issue, surely you send your own professionals to do the job..." he trailed off on that thought, before a powerfully built ursine who was evidently the captain began the briefing, after a little verbal fencing with Antonia that put a smile on his muzzle for a few moments.

The one-eyed fox listened carefully as the captain explained the mission. For the most part, he simply confirmed the details they'd already received, and elaborated on many points. The image accompanying them was gruesome, but gave plenty of clues of its' own: The presence of bullet wounds could point to a number of things - if the person in question had been killed by whoever had taken the personnel and spirited them away - or worse - then they used recognizable firearms technology. Though, the massive hole in the chest was less than reassuring on that regard. And it wasn't a pleasant way for anyone to die. Though, on reflection, there were very few ways that were pleasant to die.

"This tower - how many personnel were there? And were they military or civilian personnel that were present? I'm just wondering, could there have been any possible provocation for any kind of, I don't know; hostile action of any kind? Did they report any life-forms of any kind on the planet that could have been responsible in any way, sir?"
He folded his arms, resting his chin on one hand, as he studied the slowly rotating holographic image of the planet, and slowly pulled through his thoughts.
"I'm just thinkin'," he said out loud for the benefit of his team-mates and commander, "what kinda thang it is we're dealin' with here: hostile forces, y'know, bandits, raiders or some kinda buttheads like that. XT's - that is, sapient hostiles who ain't from round our parts - of some kind, or whether it could be some kinda of hostile indigenous critter. Like, some kind of nasty bug or predator that they ain't expectin' at all".
He shrugged. "I'm sure y'all think I'm nuts fer suggestin' it... but y'know. 'There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio...'"
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #58 on: May 13, 2014, 06:32:38 PM »
Zian nodded back at Silverwind, and followed the conversation between the bear and Antonia with wry amusement.

When asked for questions, he raised his hand defensively.

"Ack, what they all asked, capt'n. I just can't wait to head down there and kick the collective asses of who or whatever's done that, that's all!" he said with a tiny smile.

Though especially Silverwind's remark had got him thinking on the possibility of what he called XT's, and had to surpress a shiver when he tried to think of whatever could punch a hole straight through a man's body. Didn't look like a shotgun blast to him, or any other weapon he had ever witnessed. Probably not the kind of alien his Order would want to deal with, he mused, however, it was definitely a great possibility to find and secure samples of new technologies: a worthy goal for his Masters.
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Re: The Squad.
« Reply #59 on: May 13, 2014, 10:16:20 PM »
So, what're we dealing with here, captain? Opposing military? Rogues? Local wildlife? *he observed the giant hole in the soldier's chest* That definitely looks like some animal just tore him open. Whatever animal this possibly was, it's gotta be one hell of a catch. I can just imagine hanging its head on my wall.
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