((plz don't fight  :sniffle:))
((Nintai, I have no intention to fight. I am just replying to his hostile ways in kind. As they say, fight fire with fire. Then to know that this all started because he lacked to read a post that I had typed up for him, not that he is a bad RP'er or anything, but it's just that his attention span failed him at that moment.
And now something about me: I am in no way nice, I have to give that to you all. And I make no intention of being nice at all, because this is a Roleplaying forum, and not some chatbox. In OOC messages, like this, that is another story though.
I play a character as it was once crafted, and Morvayn, the character that kitten took after, was created with certain mental problems, problems that would fade away in the background as the kitten grew older (A.K.A. in a few posts) But untill that time it has the upper hand.))