Hey everyone! My name is Kate, though I prefer to be called my fursona when I am on the internet (Monki), My fursona is a black and rainbow kitsuna and dog hybrid

. I am 15 years old and a active member in the furry community! I am very nice but I am very shy, so sorry if I don't talk alot but once you get to know me I am extremely random and crazy! I have never been to a Furcon though due to lack of fursuit and transportation, but I have been trying to raise money by making my own donation site! (pawnations.webs.com) also this is my first time on a furry forum site so sorry If I sound ridiculous, I have never been good at forums

. I often make art of my fursona on my deviantart (
http://ravermonki.deviantart.com/) and I have been experimenting with animation and I love to write!