Azrael yawned as he awoke from the beeping of his alarm, the new dawn had arisen now and it was time for him to get up. The alarm was set for 7 o'clock, as to give the younger recruits enough rest for the day, but something told him that it wasn't necesarry to do so anymore. He got up and slowly put on his clothes, the camouflage suit that he wore was different from the one that each of the recruits had to wear. Instead of being blue as theirs his was a mixture of green, black, and brown. As he had donned it he threaded out of his room, into the halways, and towards the mess hall...
As he reached the mess hall it surprised him that it was empty, and soon he was checking room after room, in search of the wayward recruits. After a minute or three, when it had become clear that he would not find any of the children, except Meri, in their room he walked over to the only adjectant building... the Gym. As he walked he couldn't help but whisper softly to himself, his voice containing more then a bit of venom. "If I find them there.... there will be hell to pay...."
Meridian was awokened to the shaking of someone's paw, and through bleary eyes he could just make out the face of their drill sergeant, and he did not look happy at all. He whimpered quietly as he sat up, his ears folded back against his skull, knowing for sure that he would be in trouble. Oddly enough the feline did nothing but wake him before getting out of the room again, leaving the kitten to his own as he got dressed in the uniform that he had been given.
After he had gotten dressed he quietly stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him, leaving only a soft click to be heard before he walked towards the mess hall, to get some breakfast.
((Meh, I like to RP... and it works better if you describe your actions more precisely then *steps into the hallways* or *gets up*. At least that is my opinion on it... ohh, and I am Europese too..... well, dutch to be precise.))