Azrael quietly entered the mess hall, his face looking quite grim as it was already, which did not bode that well would one know him. "Alright, since you ladies like the outdoors so much we'll be going there for practice today... in the snow... and to make it better, you'll be biting the dirt while crouching under barbed wire." His tone was cold and distant, a state that he assumed when he did not wish to think of what the recruits would feel during whatever excercise he ordered. "And don't worry about coats or anything, since you already showed that you don't need those it will be in just your uniforms! Now, Follow!"
With a large stride he left the mess hall again and threaded over to the training grounds, where the exercise was already set up, the barbed wire approximately nine inches from the ground, and the track 200 feet long. "Okay, Anyone who does NOT complete this exercise will NOT sleep tonight, and I will make sure that they don't! If you whine that it is too low, then you will NOT sleep tonight! If you indicate that you, for whatever reason, cannot complete this exercise then you will NOT sleep tonight! Any who are not present during this exercise will, likewise, NOT sleep tonight!"
He glared at the recruits as he waited for them to commence, and he knew quite well that it would be much easier for the smaller recruits then for the larger ones... but he just didn't care for that. "Okay ladies, keep your tail and rump low or you'll get hurt, same goes for the head... and everything else. NOW GET DOWN AND CRAWL!"
((^^ Always nice an army crawl, although, as indicated, it will be harder for he larger ones. (most likely failing anyways due to their size)))