((Why not... might as well add a bit of realism-flair to this))
Wearing full jungle (dark green, brown, and black pattern) Battle-Dress Uniform with second-chance vest under the outer "camo" top and a flak vest over the "camo" top, he had a silver eagle embroidered onto each lapel (flaps of the collar in the front), his boots had a distinct metal sole heel boots that made a 'tap' each time he took a step or when he decided to do a facing movement. On his left shoulder was a blue, almost reflective, rope that went under his arm, but it looped completely around his arm. On his head was a dark blue, very broad rimmed hat with the same silver eagle embroidered on the front side. In his left arm was a helmet with the same silver eagle engraved onto the front of it.
This officer slowly made his way into the nearby training area, letting his sounds of his walking indicate where he was and that he was approaching.