I don't know what I did but they called me queer and gay when I was around 8-11. I wasn't so much emotional as accepting of others doing things to me, like it was normal because they felt that way. I got hurt and depressed, of course, however, especially once I realised it wasn't normal. I used to growl and yip and stuff before that, too, I figure early school period was like "aw doggy" or something may be but I got pretty slammed for it and my parents were very busy at the time and thought it was autism.
I don't know about religion cause the ones who bullied me at the end laughed at the idea of god etc in RE and I didn't believe either but I know I'm look after and I wondered why and a bit of faith in higher power actually helped me so I guess those who believe in a religion get this too but I'm not religious. I actually dread to think what the world would be like without control, if murder and theft was ok etc because no laws or morals agreed on it, it'd only lead to religion anyway and it only does. This is why they say "people need faith" and history has demonstrated this, though nowadays people are controlled by the governments instead. I don't believe or disbelieve in a god anymore than I can that there's a elephant painted pink dancing right now I just don't know and I won't say either way.
I'm actually a progressive physicalist/panexperientialist I guess, it just makes sense to me and I'm "progressive" because knowledge is something that is tested and grows with correction.