Welcome apperson and SinGenesis. Both approved, posting order is the same but wih Apperson and Sin, in that order. Thanks for showing interest! Again my net connection is currently a biiiiit shaky. Oh and for future reference I dunno if 'silly buns' means anything to anyone but that's what my local buddies and I call each other. It means I like you.
Post Merge: August 08, 2014, 08:29:08 AM
Oh and are my posts too long? I might be GM for this but still point out mistakes I make. I'll stop worrying as of now though cuz everyone seems ok. Once the plot happens a bit more there will be more freedom to do stuff. Um.
From this point on any tests being done on the players' characters are nonspecific. Just make stuff up and so long as it sounds sciencey it's fine!
I've not mentioned this but there's a communal area for the experiments to socialise between wings A, B, etc. (Naturally under the keen eyes o' the guards). Feel free to drop in there before going to central, if you've been called. Feel free to add nondescript experiments and/or whatnot for the purposes of making the place seem populated and explorable.