So one day I was cruising around TFF like a stalkerish loner and happened upon a request by one Gissa the Hopper. It's taken me AGES to post anything along the lines of updates because of A - me being a moron, B - this computer sucking and C - seriously I'm not that smart.
Anyway here's the first test, half done. I asked Gissa about where he wanted the splotched before I finished it. Only three or so pics to go after this (I promised tests of which there are currently two, a full body and a custom profile pic mugshot thing) unless I do more tests. Why not have a tiny ongoing thing?
On second thought i'll try adding the second test as well. I specialize in Wolves, Lions, the odd Bird, DRAGONS and humans too, but humans are boring. I see them everywhere. Gissa really opened my world up when I decided to have a crack at the rabbit side of things. Ive got a whole species thing going now. I came to this site with a mission: to meet new people and try new things.
Gissa, you have helped me do this. Brofist! Also a shout out to the folks on my friends list because brofist.
Post Merge: August 15, 2014, 04:08:34 AM
Eeee thanks Nico for talking to me! Sorry I'm not so responsive, my computer be slow as a level one slowbro and by the time I'm halfway through a post sixty other things have happened across the forums!
Anyway this next post is a quick thing on an ongoing Shattered Spirits theme. Shattered, as I call it because who has time for extraneous syllables nowadays, is the RP I started whilst waiting for others to do things. I'm a sucker for arty character bios and I have a whole project going o which I don't wanna do because its...huge...
In the Shattered strain of this thread i'll be doing the Player's characters and a few GM operated NPCs which help the plot along and provide a few extra pints of needless violence.
A quick catch up: Shattered Spirits revolves around a group of persons who were, like many others subject to the whims of the MAGIS program, taken from their parents at very young ages and placed under military "care". The whole point of MAGIS - the Magically Altered Generation of Iaran Soldiers - was to increase the magical abilities of the subjects who would then go on to fight the larger nation waging war on the tiny nation of Iara (which specializes in magic for the most part, but being small is still losing the war).
Gosh I do love me a story...
P.S. not sure how much effort I wanna put into the faceless staff of Area 3-9-4, which is where the tale begins. maybe i'll revise them. But the Soldier looks like he was ripped outta the latest SCP Containment Breach update (which surprisingly did NOT inspire Shattered Spirits) and the scientist looks too...mad...
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