Hi Raven Nightshadow ^^
I'm therian/kin, too. My fursona is a species I relate to on a therian level but I enjoy balancing my human and animal sides, as I am human in the flesh and biologically etc. You can be anthro or feral in form to be a furry, as long as your character cognition is human, and I'm sure you use human cognition (you're typing human anyway). Most ferals have at least the element of speech, it enables them to of course communicate. Nonetheless, furries may need full ferals around them, and include them.
Feral has been argued as an inappropriate term if you're therian but its the most known and advisable to use to be understood well. Feral means that the "human", furry fan likes to roleplay distancing themselves away from society or simply human form, though the therian may say they were "returning" to non-humanness than "going" feral. It depends on your case of therianness and the definitions are quite subjective anyway, furry terms are generally settled on common use consensus. Originally furry/fuzzy was in reference to serious "funny animals" and even included a crossover with the "were" and "anime" and "kemono" fandoms/communities, from Kimba the White Lion to Albedo Anthropomorphics. Fred Patten has written extensively on this.
My fursona is often in feral form, I have a semianthro and chibi forms, too. I think, whatever's best for you
Just have fun, make friends, discover yourself, find what you like, may be see how furry you can be while off-topic (in the appropriate forums), may be RP, cross your interests over (I find the therian community lacks this) and check out the novelty of the art and offline fandom. The opportunities are endless.
Whatever takes your fancy, we're like a rainbow of various colours, there's no specific direction but the ones you want to be.
Furry is kind of like a parallel universe, where (near) everyone's furry instead of human. The great thing is you don't need to be a furry 24/7, which makes the furry community a very refreshing interest, to therian and non-therian alike.
Hope to see you around.