still my point stands and all my wallpapers that i have on a rotation for windows
2 are from trix and one from a friend of mine
EDIT: well there seems to have been a develepment as of a few hrs ago with this post i have 4 screens
and i just need to buy one thing so i can move my 4th screen down to my desk
EDIT: heres all my wallpapers i do not claim rights to any of them
theres a second one of this but i shall not post it for my personal safety
these are what i am linking right now there is a screen pic with all the files somewhere in the posts
EDIT: allright need some help soon i am gonna build a pc and was just wondering because i am going to do dual SLI what i should go with 2 980's or 2 970's they will be on a watercooled loop with waterblocks and backplates just need to know what one will be better to go with
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