*I stand up, and pat Jacob on the shoulder.* "Well...I'm gonna go...y'know...whatever it is I do with downtime." *I walk down to the street level, and stroll along the side walk. My cellphone chirps, and I pick up the call.* "Yes?.....Uh-huh...yes I am the sole benefactor. Umm...no, could you send it to this account? Thanks, gimme a second." *I fish around in my pocket, before pulling out a bank card, for Swedish International.* "Um...One three eight eight six...uh...no, it's...it's non-American....Swedish, yep. Spasibo." *I hang up, and stuff both items back into my pocket, before walking into a Freedom Firearms. I approach the clerk.* "You're holding a package for me, code name Xerxes." *He looks around, before walking to the back. I tap my foot and look around, waiting. The clerk returns, caring a large black case. I put a large stack of bills on the counter, and take the case.* "Thanks, mate." *I walk back to my apartment, and toss the case onto my couch, and I sit in my armchair.*