The manger of the restaurant shook Mag lightly causing her to wake up. She groaned as she lifted her head. "D-did... Dannie come?"
The restaurant manager sighed. "No madam, there was no one by that name in this establishment..."
Mag nodded slowly, saddened by Acon not coming to the date that they had planned for quite a while. "C-can I have the ring back?"
The manager raised a brow. "Ring? What ring?"
"The ring, the ring that I told you to put in the wine!" Mag snapped.
He looked at her, thinking for a moment. "Oh, yes I remember now madam..." He reached into his pocket and handed it to her. "There madam."
She took the ring and put it in her pocket. "Thank you for allowing me to wait for her."
He shrugged. "No problem madam, but I think it would be best if you go now."
Mag stood. "Yeah..." She shook the managers hand and checked her pockets for her phone, she remembered that she had left it at the apartment. "Thank you again."
"No problem." He replied before opening the door for her.
Mag left the restaurant and headed back to Acon's apartment.