Ronnie shrugged. "I don't see what reasons would stop you from marrying the woman you love. And as for Ray? He really does love you. I mean, if you think about it. He's done things for you that I wouldn't ever think he'd do. Besides, have you told him how you feel? Explain things to him, set your foot down, demand that he stick to his guns, and claim his woman." He jostled her gently. "This isn't you, Acon. If I were you...I'd go burn a building down, or steal a car." Ronnie chuckled. "Hell, I'll join you, if you want."
Ray looked out the window, and saw Ronnie and Acon. He felt bad for bailing, but it was all too much. He figured she loved Mag, and wanted to be with her, just as much as she wanted to be with him. Ray didn't want to have Mag do something drastic, even though it killed him to leave Acon. Maybe...maybe I'll just...hang around. He blinked, and gasped. Ray immediately jumped from the shelf, and returned to his normal form. He ran outside, and stopped a few feet away from Acon and Ronnie.