*I sigh, and look at the certificate.* "So ends the Rayleonarde line...great. You never mentioned that in the deal. Robert White, huh...hmm..." *I sit down.* "I know you understand this, Mr. Lovien. But I wish to reiterate; if I'm going to disappear this deep...there's a lot that needs done." *I sit for a few moments.* "It's not possible, sir. To disappear, and still rob people? I'd get found out in minutes. If Ronnie...or any of the Society for that matter, are worth their salt, they'll blow cover faster than we can blink. I can't fake a death...not with my connections. But it's simple. We'll tell people that an anonymous donor so graciously paid my bail. I can keep the florist cover, though. As long as I keep my head down, and not do anything outrageous, I'll be fine." *I look skeptically at Herman.* "And Robert White, really? I would have assumed the name, and it sounds fake."