Zanthe sat on the couch, reading through a book of technical jargon as she held the phone between her shoulder and her head. "... Did you try turning it on?" she said, using Alison's voice. "Mmhmm... Is the phone line plugged in?.... That's done it? Good to hear... you're welcome.... Good luck with the grandchildren, madam.... Take care."
Hanging up the phone, Zanthe stretched out, curling her toes against the wood floor as she slowly relaxed against the couch. "Alison's" shift was nearly up, which meant that she could finally get dressed soon. It was surprising how many people needed help on (whatever day it is today), but at least she only had to do this twice a week. Standing, Zanthe walked into her apartment's small kitchen, suppressing the urge to immediately grab whatever beverage there was in the refrigerator and settling instead on a plain glass of water. It was too early to accidentally get drunk; Someone could still call in the next few minutes, and she wasn't exactly in an attentive state on work days until after the work was over. Sighing, she glanced at the clock, wondering what would happen in this new town. Hopefully, this will be a better place than the last one, she thought to herself, rubbing her tattooed lower back and glancing at the healing stab wound on her hip. The previous town had a gang that didn't take kindly to Zanthe's type; she had only been there to help, but she had barely made it out with her life. Sighing, the cat-fox swished her all-white tail impatiently, picking up a knife and playing with it as she watched the clock.
Not long now....
(She's mostly white, in normal form.) (also, going to bed. see you tonight.)