Zanthe made her way back to the safehouse, getting some things off of a dead soldier she found so that she had a disguise. After changing into the uniform and checking the dead girl's weapons (It had been quite lucky that she had managed to find a dead FEMALE soldier; now there was no chance of her gender being questioned), Zanthe packed away her clothes, slung her bags over her shoulder, and headed into the countryside to wait the assault out.
Zanthe winced as the uniform rubbed against her injured hip. She had tripped over herself getting off the road earlier and had managed to reopen the wound when she landed. I've got to find shelter, she thought as she walked across a field. It wasn't that the injury was bothering her; pain was easily ignored. But if she started leaving bloody footprints behind her.[/size]..
[/size]Looking up from her hip, Zanthe realized that she had walked her way into a forest. S**t, [/size]she thought to herself, knowing that the chances of finding shelter here- at least, shelter safe from the wild- was very difficult. Especially with an open wound. Peering through the trees, she thought she saw a shape in the distance, and with no other options, she headed towards that, her eyes drooping as she became more and more fatigued from losing blood. Almost.... there....[/size]
[/size]A few yards from whatever the shape was, Zanthe collapsed to the ground, almost too tired to continue. Slowly, she crawled under a nearby bush and hoped to God that nothing would find her... again.