"Uh.." *he looked at her and smiled* "well if you'd like you can help if your feeling better?" *he says kindly to her*
If you want peace, then prepare for war
Zanthe removed the ice pack from her stomach and looked at the bruise, which looked a lot less painful now. Tensing up a bit, Zanthe slowly eased herself into a sitting position, tying her shirt up so that it didn't touch the bruise, and stood up, holding herself a bit. "... Well, it still hurts," the catfox said, "but I think it's healed enough that I'll be able to walk around now."
No going out in public, though, she thought to herself, chuckling a bit. Placing the pillow she was using back in its proper place, she walked into the kitchen and smiled sheepishly at Devin. "How does it look to you?" she asked, blushing lightly.