*he blushed as well looking at her* "Uh... Y-yea I don't think.. We.. Did heh.." *he rubbed the back of his head shyly still looking at her chest but turned away stuttering uncontrollably* "I-I-I... T-think we d-didn't.." *he then pulled his arm that was handing over the couch's edge and her bra was in his tightly in his paws* "o-oh Uh... Mmm I.."
If you want peace, then prepare for war
(Pardon me, but please leave Jeff out of this for now. >-> There's reasons.)
Zanthe held her shirt over her chest and, blushing darkly, gently took her bra back from Devin. "I s-suppose we just got a little intimate, if anything," she said, quickly slipping her bra on. "We probably kissed a lot, but we didn't.... at least, I don't THINK we... you know..." The catfox rubbed her arm and looked at Devin sheepishly. "... Did it."