*devin was silent even his footsteps or breathing wasn't heard he carefully kept pace following zanthe*
*audrey sighed and looked around. She grabbed whatever she saw and walked over setting the items down and looking through them she looked at the creature* "ok I don't know what might help so please show me where your hurt.." *she asks acting like a doctor that she wanted to be*
If you want peace, then prepare for war
Zanthe kept trudging through the woods, glancing up at the sky from time to time to check on the light. "We should be at the road soon," she whispered back to Devin.
The creature whimpered and motioned to its leg, arm, and side, where the fur was rended and its mechanics were showing. Then, tilting its head up, the creature revealed that its throat area was severely damaged, which appeared to be why it couldn't talk normally. There was also a large hole in its torso between its chest and its abdomen, inside which there was a strange device that looked rather important, but was clearly in bad repair. The creature, it should be mentioned, looked almost like a real furry, but if it were one than it would be badly mutilated.