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*devin also was not honest so much, he wasn't from a foster home and his incident was also fake but what he hid could scare her. Devin didn't want to lose her and was very concerned. He sighed and smiled when she planted a kiss on his fang making him blush lightly but he sighed looking in her eyes* "I actually have something to tell you zanthe.. about me...i-im Uh not being very honest with you..."If you want peace, then prepare for war
*he sighed a bit shakily* "alright... I do love I really do but please forgive me I... I never was in a foster home and this.." *he gestured to his throat meaning how he was mute* "I Uh I was born with it and I was forced in the troops and such but I um Uh... When I said I snuck in Area 51 that was a lie a actually snuck out... I'm a military weapon a Uh test subject... I was born in there and I finally escaped and forced in the troops but now I'm here, I also was never was hurt that bullet to the side I could of really recovered within seconds..." *he sighed* "Im really sorry and if your scared or...or mad I understand.." *his ears went down*If you want peace, then prepare for war