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Author Topic: Half Life 2 RP  (Read 1170 times)

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Half Life 2 RP
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:15:14 PM »
So yeah. I like half life (like a frigging LOT) so I figured I might as well try.

So, we are in city 16, otherwise known as London, England.

Also, just a couple things: all military personnel were killed/made into OTA, and everyone under the age of 18 was killed when the combine invaded 6 years ago.
Also, the combine use HK mp7's, HK USP match's,SPAS-12's, and the "overwatch standard issue pulse rifle"(or AR-2 if you're not a combine) it's a pulse rifle that fires dark matter bullets.(but both it and the amunition for it are VERY rare)

You can be a member of the civil protection if you want.

Character sheets:


Nickname(if any):


Weapons (if any):

My character sheet:

Name: Lee Stephens

Lee Stephens is the leader of the local resistance cell. Or at least, he likes to think of himself as that. Currently, there is no-one but him in his group, and he takes refuge in a dilapidated apartment complex on the outskirts of city 16.

Nickname: 'arcade'

Species : corsac fox

Weapons: he carries a standard Civil Protection issue HK USP match.

 FDF forever!

To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell.
-Marquis de Sade
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We require only the strength to follow it.


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