So.. I guess I could consider myself an ex-furry returning to the scene again. Hello to you all, I am Rottech, a mated 19 year old female who currently lives in Sweden, and a very crazy, eccentric and sometimes confused fellow who is on a grand quest to uncover the mysteries of life, existence and the human psyche.. and magic. I became aware of the furry community on the internet at the mere age of 13, meaning 6 years ago, and immediately started to worm my way into this fandom, due to my fascination for basically any creature that was not a human. However, a few years ago, due to some very straining events I really, REALLY needed a break, so I pretty much stopped my activity in the community, and didn't consider myself much of a furry anymore.. but I feel like I am starting to recover, so I am taking it a bit slow by joining a forum, and I thought this one looked pretty decent so I joined.
I have never really been very active in the furry fandom, but more of a lurker, but I still like to have a look at what is happening now and then and pitch in occasionally.
Now.. I would guess you would want to know a bit more about me, and if you don't then I am kind of wondering why you are still here in this thread.
Let's see.. First and foremost, I think, except being a semi furry, I quite strongly consider myself an otherkin, though I am aware of the fact that my physical current body is indeed human, I would say my "spirit" or essence is far from it.. and thus comes the species description. You may call me more or less an alien since I am not native to this world in particular. And when it comes to gender pronouns.. feel free to call me whatever you want really, I don't mind one bit, I just tend to go by my physical gender, which is female, but I wouldn't say I am the most feminine person out there really. My hobbies include exercising, listening to music, playing video and PC games, reading, drawing, discussing things, philosophy, psychology, cuddling, writing in a far more fancier way than probably needed, and plotting to take over the world.
And lastly, well.. if you are wondering about my avatar, no, it is not a representation of myself, or my "fursona", it is more like an OC, a character I've had for a long time and that I have an easy time drawing. It is the one characters that has stuck with me for a long time. I am horrible at trying to make a fursona, and all my attempts have been futile, so that is still a work in progress.. If you are curious about this avatar fellow though, it's more or less a spirit, or as I like to call it, an "imp". Thus it's a "xe/xir", gender wise, and has no single gender, since xe can easily morph xirself in different shapes. I just like having this fellow as my avatar.. so xe will stick here.
Anyway.. I think that is all, sorry about all the text, I am a very big writer, haha. Only one thing I might want to add is that I am not always super cuddly friendly, but I try to respect people the best I can while still being honest, and I sometimes prefer more a good discussion than general fooling around. But still, I am happy to meet all of you and won't mind talking to you at all! If there is anything you would like to ask me, go ahead, I shall answer as quickly as I can!