Sotharc watched everyone leave the building. He gently laid thae body down and walked downstairs.
some mysterious feeling poked at him after the hotel became a bit dim from the doors closing.
He felt the hotel.. all of it, he hadn't gone to the darkest part yet. He felt the boiler room would actually scare him.
Sotharc readily held his Large Nightblade and his 44, then he descended into the boiler room to find the gas line.
The hotel didn't feel like this before... I think someone or something happened and now it feels really... deadening.
Hmmm, that's not a word but I know what it means.
Sotharc's Shadow split from him, manifested into a self aware form and watched Sotharc's back.
''Don't you worry. If I sense something, i'll let you know. ''
Sotharc found the gas line but it was already pumping into the hotel. He knew if he shot it now, he'd die.
I have to use a cement or metal plate.. AH, My knives!
Sotharc covered his face, stepped out of the Hotel, and placed two small knives in the window.
Now.. to ignite the- "Sotharc... I think I sense something at the door. It isn't a wraith, but it isn't alive either."
Uh, what? Can it walk? Can it run? Can it make sounds?
"I can't tell.."