(This story is the full story of my Furry and what he has been through)The story begins in a little village in the middle of the forrest, the city of Raze. The year is 2998
And it all began in a fox den.
*Come on Nizi* it sounded when the fox came up of the hole *I do not have all day long* he said, his friend came soon after,
*Dude i'm too tired to run* the wolf said, And Merloon the fox laughed of the Nizi the Wolf. Nizi ran over the plains and after Merloon into the woods.
Merloon is a popular fox he is very social fox when it comes to friends.
*Nizi i bet a Dog like you cant climb trees* Merloon said up in the high tree when looking down on his friend, Nizi cried out *I AM NOT A DOG!* and rushed to climb the tree.
Merloon was a liked fox but his father was not that pleased. He used to shout at him and do what ever to make the poor fox cry,
His mother was a nice fox, always keeping an eye of Merloons father to prevent him shout at Merloon,
The years past and when the 3000 year shift has arrived it crumbled for Merloons father, He walked away from the fox hole and found Merloon, Merloon was telling stories to his friends at the Stonehage, everyone was there. Merloons father saw it as an opportunity and was sitting right next to Merloon, Merloon asked *Something wrong dad, can you please leave* The suddenly out of the blue, Merloons Father attacked him and bite him as hard as he could in the chest. This time it hurt too much for merloon to cry and his mother rushed for help, Then it all went black.
Merloon was now awake, and confused. A White fox with a symbol on the side with the name AnviOS was sitting right next to him. *Hello i'm AnviOS and who are you?* She asked with a warm and nice voice, Merloon Responded *Ehm i have a hard time remembering it* She then asked *How old are you?* The response from Merloon was *13 i think* AnviOS the tried to present her self, *I am AnviOS with stands for Advanced Nano-technological Virtual Intelligent Operating System, And i am here to help you my friend* Merloon was shocked. *Such thing does not exist* He said, and the AnviOS was just walking slowly forward and said, *Merloon Zania You have been in a coma for 75 years and i 3020 you where declared dead but we froze you down to revive you when the technology was here.*
Merloon was shocked and asked *Is this a dream, ehm My mom is she dead? and and...* AnviOS calmed him down and said *No its not and your mom is dead long gone and this is all going to be just fine, calm down.* Merloon fell asleep and AnviOS said while watching the sleeping Merloon *I have a name like you, My name is Vachi and i am so sorry for what happend to you Merloon.*
When Merloon woke up the next morning, A nurse came to see him, Merloon said with an scared voice *Whats going to happen to me* and the nurse looked at him and answered *I don't know friend, you need to relax* Merloon was crying, and was very scared,
Meanwhile in a building 15 blocks away from the hospital. AnviOS has just arrived at the office where siri worked, siri looked and said *It's better be important Anvi* She looked at siri and said *It is, you can't do that to poor Merloon, its not right after what he has been through.* Siri took her laptop and put it away and said *Its not your decision* Siri looked at AnviOS and walked away.
Merloon woke up, and felt different, He looked around him and noticed the stuff going on where ever he watched, its a Console and some power meters and a city map over Raze, AnviOS came in and say him and then she stunned and said *No she already did it, No please no* Merloon looked at himself and saw that he was wearing a bulletproof west with lots of technological equipment and a blue device on his chest, it glowed blue. Merloon hyper ventilated and said *Am i dead or, or am i, i* AnviOS was looking at him a minute then she said *You are my new partner to help me maintain the city, you, you are AnViFox* All became quiet for a second. Merloon the walked slowly towards AnviOS and said *Vachi right, explain please* AnviOS could not do anything else then explaining it all to Merloon.
AnviOS began to explain *Merloon, you are now connected to a server central in the city, its Called the Code-EX. Its really just a Connection of every computer in the city, witch is the biggest city on the planet i know yeah, but Merloon you can now have semi access to the city, Controlling the place as i do, You are my partner and you are 100% Supercomputer like me now heh funny right.*
Merloon did not think it was that funny, he looked at her and asked *Why can i remember my life before all this? and why do i not feel any different?* AnviOS answered *Because your Brain was uploaded to the CIO Cloud Merloon* Merloon quickly responded *What that, the CIO cloud* AnviOS said *You know the Cloud Right the place with unlimited storage, well we have the same thing its the Central Intelligence Operator Cloud, Its where we, us in reality are.*
Merloon ran away, and AnviOS followed him.
(Thanks for reading i will continue Posting the story just take a look again another day