Michen sighed. "Some things never seem to change, even not in the broken fourth wall. For whatever stupid reason. Anyways, I'm glad you won't destroy my other 7 lives now."
That's when the person controlling kicked in and started a mental conversation with Michen, yet readable for everyone.
I can take 6 lives off of you if you want to die after a single hit.
Really? First you give me 9 lives as a joke, and now you want to take them away from me?
You're not very happy either... The heat affected you too, it seems.
Of course it did! You are me. Well, kind of...
I understand. Take your time. Er... My time? It doesn't matter. Just say how you want your number of lives to change.
All right. Just do how it would normally be. Just one life.
Then I'll just take 6 lives off of you. ...Do you know that feeling of deja vu?
Never mind that now. Thanks for the help.
And just like that, Michen suddenly died 6 times. Kind of, they didn't really die, but they lost lives as if they did. Though, it did hurt.
...It's complicated.