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Author Topic: Homeward Angel, A comic with furry things in it.  (Read 1921 times)

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Offline Darko4ever

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Homeward Angel, A comic with furry things in it.
« on: December 25, 2006, 09:15:17 AM »
This has been in the making for a couple of years and I've finally produced a final copy.

The story is break up into 6 parts. They are pretty long in story wise thus I put it into parts to help the reader and me.  The first pages are a dream so don't worry if you don't understand what is going on k? (text is backwards for a reason)

Page 1

It's a long story to decribe in detail and I can but that's if you guys don't want me to ruin any surprises.
(Please Answer)

Anyway I'll sum up the story as much as I can.
Years ago some evil company tried to create super beings as weapons using a creature that had been found to be able to possese the power of speech, after many test and generation later the weapons were created (The Projects) Unfortanly one of them James team up with another Sara to free themselves from the grasp of the evil company. They release themselves into the world. (you know breeding creating a society) saddly the company strike back against these (Projects) threating to wipe them all from the earth, with a few wars and deaths peace was decleard and the Projects were happily accepted in the human world, James though understood that the war was not over after leaving his seed in Sara he disappered and Sara was left to put here baby into the small beachtown Orpahange. Sara is consumed by a disease.
Now that's only the pre story to the main story
Years later Sara baby Nero was raised by the orphange but was given strict orders never to be adopted by Sara. (Just incase James "nero's farher comes back) anyway Nero had friends including a Damian (Human) and Laura (Furry) blah blah relationships etc. Anyway Some bad dude called the puppet comes back to reactivate to finsh what the bad company plan was. Creating a small army the puppet takes over oakfield, planning to take over the world etc. Oh yeah his army is made of super humans (That's new) :roll:  Anyway Nero finds a new power given by his parents (The power of control)

The Power of Control involves the following ablitys
To see through stinky diapers
To created objects out of nothing for a short period also copy objects for a short period
To Move at alaming rates
To alter the world around him eg: Rip a guy in half or move a wall

It seems dull and predictable but trust me it looks awsome, I'll see if I scan some sketchs later...
Anyway arrgh so much to tell I can't put it into words.

umm maybe this will help
Part One: Puppet Takes over Oakfield, at the end Nero finds his powers (only some)

Part Two: Plans to stop the puppet while his army is small, lead by Seleane (A Tank Girl) and Nero (Who knows more about the puppet and can created walls out of nowhere) at the end of this part Laura dies of some diesease showing Nero that there are some fights he can't win, Nero then vanish like his farther.

Part Three: Damian is dicth by Nero and left to defend the world against the puppet invasion (some awsome war scence) Damian marries Seleane but towards the end after many battles Damain is left a broken man. Turning to drugs etc. This part pretty much ends with the whole town being overrun.

Part Four: Nero wakes up in a fantasy world full of strange creatures and mysical things (Dragons, Unicorns) still depressed by Laura's death Nero finds his heart to a foregin species babe. relising that he needs more time to think he goes on a jorney through the world meeting new Hero like character thus finding himself knowing what it takes ot be a Hero. Nero Powers grows and he finds himself saving the day. The part ends when Nero finds his Farther.

Part Five: Pretty much a flashback on James story. Origins of Nero's powers and the bad guys etc

Part six: A conclusion, Nero heads back and finds the ablity to travel between the two worlds. He saves the day etc Throw in a love story again. A few epic battles, It end pretty much ever non human thingy following Nero into the other world leaving the humans to dewellow alone.

Anyway this is just a sum up (a pretty bad one)

Tell me what ya think k? you know rate out of 10 or 5 starts etc. It will help.
Other pages will be posted saddly I'm away for 4 weeks so I won't be able to post a comic but please post i'll try and answer any questions. as much as possible.
Question and answer might help to.

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« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 02:00:25 AM by ephemral »
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Homeward Angel, A comic with furry things in it.
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2006, 10:43:26 AM »
awsomness! :D


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