Hi guys , being an avid gamer of both old and new games , i wanted to know if theres any one out there who shares my passion for gaming. I , as illustrated by my name and design of my fursona, am also into retro games. I have a large , and i mean LARGE collection from every thing from zx spectums to N64's , you name it! Apart from collecting retro games and consoles i do play modern games. Currently i have a WIIU , an XBOX 360, a PS4, a PSVita and a 3DS, so as you can tell, i like games
. I have a soft spot for pokemon, minecraft, portal, mario, sonic, driver and stangely enough GTA (because its so f***ing funny
) .
So i started this thread as just a place for fellow gamers to have a chat about games and about any new or fun games worth sharing with people or just to talk about the old classics, equally if people want to get advice on retro gaming i'de be happy help and answer any quiries or issues you are having.
Happy gaming!