It's very hard for me to tell if I'm really part of this whole furry thing or not. I enjoy the community, I am fascinated by the creativity and imagination of some members. But there's some things I can't stand in the fandom, making me think I'm not really part of the fandom. I'm scared people would see me as a hater for not standing.. fursuits or other things.
I'm not a fan of fursuits, I find them nice when there's one or two at a meet up, but a whole pack of them at a convention just is too weird for me from my point of view. I am very critical about their design, and most of them I don't like. I find mythological creatures and sergals the best, those suits are amazing. I respect the main idea of fursuiting. I know how it's like to cosplay, it's absolutely awesome. Plus, having kids around when doing so.. OMG MY CUTE-O-METER IS GONNA EXPLODE HAAAAAAA. It's a shame people don't understand it.