The dumbscape community sickens me sometimes.
Particularly the Oldschool one.
Especially the Oldschool one.
Sure, it's fine if you disagree with Pride, or even with LGBT as a whole.
Just don't come crying when you get muted/banned for standing around in-game cosplaying as Hitler or a KKK-member while spamming the chat with all kinds of colorful threats.
Actually, a better idea would be, just don't do those things to begin with.
It's rather childish, and most of it isn't funny at all.
(I'll admit some of it is, tho. Doesn't mean I agree with what they're saying or anything. Just that my sense of humor is awful.)
It's generally easier to try and convince people/make people respect your opinion if you can argue for it in a civilized manner rather than acting like a crap-flinging monkey.
At least I have a hard time taking people like that seriously.
Sure, "it's just a prank bro", but stuff like that is still against the rules of the game, wether you like it or not.
And I think most sane people would agree that it'd be a lot more fun to play the game if it wasn't full of whining manchildren.
In some ways, it's almost as if they're asking for an in-game Darwin award.
Tho to be fair, if the event had been announced as "Collect the fragments of the rainbow to earn a rainbow-themed cosmetic" rather than "Next week, there'll be a small event to celebrate Pride2017", I'm pretty sure things wouldn't have blown up like this.
Most people just seem upset because "I don't want real life/political issues in my fantasty game! It breaks the immersion!" or "I don't mind people being gay/whatever, but don't try to shoehorn it into the game like this".
The first one would kinda require stuff like the 4th of July and Thanksgiving events to be removed from the game in the future (which would even make sense as the company behind the game is British), as well as whole quest lines being removed/rewritten (the goblin quests in particular springs to mind.), otherwise it'd be rather hypocritical.
Another thing to remember is that the event is so small it takes up about seven squares in-game, you won't see anything of it unless you seek it out yourself, and it's 100% optional. It's not like anything is being shoved down anyone's throat here.
And the reward is a statless cosmetic, so it's not like not completing it means you'll miss out on some best-in-slot combat gear either. Literally no reason to complain.
And people complaining that there'd need to be a BLM-event or a Pro-life event because of this also have no leg to stand on.
If there can be a 4th of July event, why can't there also be a (for example) 6th of December event? Or a 17th of May?
Why should one country get special treatment but not any other? Hurp-durp.
The second one I can kinda agree with.
I'd much have preferred something less forced, like a change to one of the quests where you're essentially forced to enter an arranged marriage. (Wait, more real-life issues! Tho I'm going to be unfair and assume the majority don't mind this one, as the majority are males who get to marry a badass princess.)
As I play as a female, I was stuck marrying a random poet/bard prince. Which is totally fine by me, since I love me a well-spoken word artist.
BUT, he insulted my hair by comparing it to a bramble bush, and that's where the line is drawn - Call me a fat cow all you like (doesn't happen, just an example), but leave my hair out of this! >:C
Would much rather have preferred to marry the princess. Not only because of that hair-thing, but because I believe she'd have been a better fit for my in-game character.
Would've been a much better change to just allow people to marry whoever they want regardless of gender, and it would have felt less forced. And for the people who have that as a concern, less in-your-face since you wouldn't even notice it was there unless you for some reason went out of your way to try and woo the person of your gender, and 100% optional.
I'm all for games being inclusive and having LGBT characters, but when they randomly decide "Ohaidere! One-off Pride event guys!" it feels like they're just after cheap points.
Dumbscape 3 handled this really well by adding lore that explain the whole Aviansie race doesn't care what gender their partner is, and the backstory of Armadyl telling how his first marriage/relationship was with another male.
They never mention the gender of his partner in the second marriage, meaning he could either be gay or bi.
Then there's also another quest that (while being mostly non-canon, except for where it is) in passing suggests another character is gay/bi.
None of the dumbscape 3 community had any issues with this (at least not to the point of random riots breaking out), with most praising them for handling this in a manner that made it feel natural.
And, I want to think the majority of all dumbscape players, regardless of the version they play, either don't care, embrace, or at the very least handle this gracefully, in the case of people who don't agree with LGBTs at all. The things happening now are the loud minority and/or people just having a laugh.
...Wow, I sound upset/triggered here. I don't think I am tho. Just annoyed that people have to blow small insignificant stuff like this way out of proportion.
The short version is, the event is 100% optional, you won't see any of it unless you actively search for it (people who do the event and decide to wear the reward excluded, ofc, but seeing as it is cosmetic I doubt a lot of people will care much about wearing it), the rewards are cosmetic, and no mention of Pride whatsoever will be in-game.
Oh, and it's just a game. Can't forget about that one.
...Said she who just spent all this time writing a ridiculously long post about the whole thing... >->