I died my hair reddish (like burgandy) for the first time last year, it was so subtle you can't even tell unless in direct sunlight... Every one of my friends complimented me and strangers too, but when my dad saw it....... Oh boy haha
he acted like i just committed a murder. Makes you feel good inside
He was thoroughly happy when i buzzed my hair to look like a jarhead, but it's long again and im about to do purple
Mine kinda changed from looking like Chezawoofs main fur to looking like her hairpoof color-wise, so I guess it's not a too big change in this case either xD (Pic-spam is coming up shortly in the other thread)
It's not a too bright red, but it's still red, especially when light hits it right =^-^=
*Happy cherry blossoms and stuff*
Funny thing is that last time I colored my hair I was actually supposed to color it (dark) purple, but we did a few miscalculations on how much color we'd need so it turned red instead of purple xD (Also kind of a first world rant/problem xP)