Starting to worry my tail and paws won't be done in time for NFC after all.
Things keep getting delayed or progressing at seemingly a snail's pace, and now the artist has decided to put commission work on hold until the middle of February. I'd need them before March.
My own fault for choosing someone who doesn't deal with deadlines, but I -do- think half a year for a pair of handpaws is a bit on the steeper side... The tail was pretty much a pre-made that happened to be in the right color, but since they seem to have no idea how to ship stuff from "over there" the shipping-costs would be insane (when I bought my heads from some other maker, I paid ~30-50 for shipping. They ask for ~70-80 for some odd reason), I figured I could ask them to make the paws as well to hit two birds with one stone.
Stupid, stupid, STUPID me.
I have this odd feeling history will repeat itself, that once I'm on the ferry back from NFC, I'll get a note telling me my items are done and ready to ship.
It happened last year, but with a partial.