I've been looking for forge mods and the only good mods I've been able to find are either only for 1.7 or are in alpha. The mod you suggested George is only a grouping mod, so it'd still be basically vanilla but we'd have colours for names and simple vanilla permissions, also the mod is small and so I don't even know how well it will work or any issues it may come in contact for.
But the bottom line is this, if we go to forge it'd be similar to going back to very vanilla minecraft, we'd lose warps (bye bye bedrock), pvpcontrol, and many handy commands that aren't included in vanilla. And it'd also take a while to do, which tbh is hard for me, considering I have been busy looking for jobs and working on 3 assignments due next week. Many of the minecraft mods, including the furniture mod, are not compatible with 1.8. If we did get any 1.8 compatible mods that changed the game data, we'd have to have all users to download it and install it on there own client sided minecrafts, that means if you don't know how to install mods, tough luck.
I know the corruption sucks and I know most people want forge, and I'm trying to think of something to do. One solution is to roll back to 1.7, so we can use some of the mods. But I dunno if we can move a map that was made in 1.8, back to 1.7, and we wouldn't want to lose the map. But if we move to forge on 1.8, we'd basically be going to vanilla. I'm gonna try to do it this weekend, but I feel it's a bad idea that's just gonna cause a whole lot of problems.