The caterpillar's Fur flared up, giving the impression of fire rippling across the segments of his body, despite this impressive display, he continues to talk with seemingly no emotion at all... "I think our friend here is what we technically call an intruder, however given the circumstances I am unclear as to if he came here through idiocy or design, or, indeed, through who's idiocy or design" Kern fur calmed for a second, as he considered the situation, he then turned to Parly. "In answer to your question earlier, My name is -" Kern makes a series of high pitched (and slightly painful) screeches roughly sounding like Ke-ul-koon-gi, "- You, however, can call me Kern, as you are unlikely to be able to pronounce that" His fur flattened slowly as he introduced himself, giving the impression of being stroked by a giant invisible hand...