Thaese watches the mantis leave before turning back to the group and surveying his options. He looks over the dragon with distaste, being constantly reminded of the power he has over the group as he becomes aware of the runes around his neck, feeling them burning into his skin.
He looks over the iguana, glancing at the staff in her hand, the thought of magic making his fur stand on end. His views on the arrogance and self righteousness of mages making him disregard their usefulness in a combat situation.
Finally his eyes fall upon the thief and he sighs, he had no love of criminals having spent many years in the city watch dealing with their likes but out of his options he felt Angder was the only one he could rely on to some extent, besides, they both had thoughts of escape in mind.
Thaese steps forward and places a firm paw on Angder's shoulder, "If you try any funny business, know that I won't hesitate to embed this in your skull," he brandishes his war hammer at him with a threatening look, "Let's go."