"I'm, well, I dunno! ^~^ on the pan vs bi thing, it makes my blood boil. Pan in respect to finding TranSEXUALS (there's a difference between transgender, which is used more as an umbrella term, and transsexual) is a cop out in stigma. I mean really?!? I'm a girl. I was cheated out of ther "right body." When I undergo my procedures, I'll be a girl like any other with. Now, I know what you're thinkin'. "But youre sti-" QUIET. Let's say a Natal Female has her uterus removed and had her breasts removed. Is she any less a woman? Why treat her different from a girl like me? And THAT is my whole Pan/bi argument. Now, the scenario described is also for transsexuals (like myself), and does not not include non binary gender concepts whithin the argument. Even then, if they have no gender, what then? THAT is where pan should be a subset of bisexual, I guess the moral of my little story is that it's disseespectul (at least to me) that one would have to be pan in order to love a transSEXUAL like me.Transsexuals are an individual that are a subset of Transgenderism, and the difference between traditional Transgenderism and transsexualism is that transsexuals feel the desire to make the outside match the gender on the inside.
It bothers me for some odd reason, and I hope no one takes it the wrong way! TT~TT. Anyways, I don't really have one. I'm asexual one second, then bisexual, then I don't even know!"
I have learned a thing. Awesome