Name: Rayleonarde Black.
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 2"
Species: Raccoon
Clothing: Prefers a darker ensemble, but will dress differently if necessary.
Abilities: None, of late
Other Facts: Born in a graveyard, left in a grave, even set to sleep in a coffin, Ray has been side by side with death his entire life. Though strange to the outside, it would become clear to those who looked into the fabric of Ray's existence. He harbors within him the mark of Death itself. A burning mass where his heart and soul should reside. Ray keeps himself in the capable arms of those of the oppressive nature, even to the extent of abuse. However, this is not without cause. The constant oppression keeps Ray from losing control, and going insane. The flames within eat away at him, slowly, methodically. This close connection with Death allows Ray to both see, speak to, and even experience the dead.
((Is this alright, or is there stuff I need to change?))