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Author Topic: AfterWARds  (Read 1238 times)

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Offline ThePawMightyMissFoxy

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« on: February 15, 2015, 08:49:22 PM »
The world had gone to hell. Now turned into a radiated wasteland. It had already been 5 years since the war ended. Fursonas against humans? You can imagine how that ended. Families were separated, fursonas enslaved, humans perished. And she... She is now one of the enslaved. After the war ended, only a few enslaved escaped and lived on their own in the wasteland. Some created clans or villages. A seventeen year old fursona named Leanna had the same dream. Her brother, in fear had escaped and left her behind. Now, she stands alone as an enslaved.
"Hey! Get over here!"
Leanna cringes at the sound of her master's voice. She hated humans for what they'd done to her. Obediently, she walks over to her master.
"Yes, master? What can I do for you?"
Twat did you say? I **censor** hear you!

Offline SilverSolstive

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Re: AfterWARds
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2015, 08:08:10 PM »
Remulus followed his master to the dining room as his face burns with embarrassment. He knew had done something wrong. They entered a lively room with a golden chandelier over a large glass tabke which sat 9 other humans. They stared at him in disgust. His master pointed at the meal on his plate. "Why isn't there an equal amount on my plate as there is everyone else's?" He questioned in a false kind voice. Remulus said nothing. "I won't hurt you if you just tell me." The master lied. Remulus believed him foolishly and answered. "I ate a little, I was starving." The master slapped Remulus across his face as the other humans laughed. "What makes you even think OF DOING THAT?!" He shouted. Remulus had no words to say. His master snapped his fingers and two buff humans took him by arms and legs and carried him to the in-home prison. They threw him in.

No matter where you stand, you're standing in my shadow.


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