I guess I got involved with what might be considered furries sometime around the start of 2012, when I had no idea what a furry was, with a comic called Twokinds by Tom Fischbach, brother of Markiplier. I read that for a while, before realizing just how much sexual innuendo there was, and how little actual plot there was to the whole series as compared to other books and webcomics I had read. Recently I found Skin Deep by Kory Bing, and I can say that I enjoy reading something without a constant form of fanservice in every other page. It even updates of schedule usually! Anyways, I had no idea that there was even a notable community for furries/people interested in anthropomorphic non-humans. Until last night. So here I am, looking for people who are also here for something similar to what I am here for. Nothing sexual, nothing disturbing, just people who enjoy gaming, webcomics, fiction, and of course everything not human (within reason). Anyways, Hello World! Or at least, a part of the world that is less understood by many.